China Marine Statistical Yearbook 2016 Download
Yearbook title:中国海洋统计年鉴2016
Yearbook English title:China Marine Statistical Yearbook 2016
Published Date :07/2017
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Ⅰ.China Marine Statistical Yearbook(2016) is a data almanac which reflects in an all-round way the development of marine economy,marine management and service in the People’s Republic of China in 2015,and it is a Chinese-English bilingual edition. Ⅱ.The Yearbook’s statistics cover the production and activities in the marine and coastal areas in relation to the development,management and utilization of marine resources and space,and the development of marine socioeconomy.The regions covered are the coastal regions,coastal cities and coastal zones with coastlines,which are arranged in order according to the Coastal Administrative Areas Classification and Codes(HY/T 094-2006). Ⅲ.The data in the yearbook consist of 11 sections,namely,integrated data,marine economic accounting,major marine industrial activities,production capacity of major marine industries,ocean-related employment,marine science and technology,marine education,marine environmental protection,marine administration and public-good service,national and coastal socioeconomy,part of the world’s marine economic statistics data. Ⅳ.The Yearbook is based on the Marine Statistics Report System(Guotongzhi[2016]No.7) and the Ocean Gross Product Accounting System(Guotongzhi[2016]No.17),and its data mainly come from the statistical bureaus and the oceanic administrations of the coastal provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as the 20 ocean-related ministries,bureaus and general corporations concerned. Ⅴ.Unless otherwise specified in the Yearbook,all the value indicators are given at the current price.Except for those noted in years,all the others are the data of 2013.Each section is attached by explanatory notes to the major marine statistical indicators,giving a brief explanation for the meaning,statistical range and statistical methods of the major marine statistical indicators.Other notes to the statistical data are listed below the tables.For the data with continued tables,annotations,if any,are put below the last table. Ⅵ.As the Third National General Economic Survey has revised the data of 2009-2013,the related data in the “National and Coastal Scioeconomy” and “Marine Economic Accounting” of the Yearbook are the revised ones. Ⅶ.The usage of symbols in the tables:“…” indicates the statistics smaller than the minimum calculation unit in the table;”Blank” indicates that the data of the statistical index is unknown for the time being or that there is not such data available;“#” indicates the major items of the table;Other symbols,such as “*” or“①”,indicate “see footnotes below”. Ⅷ.For reasons of digital accuracy,there is small difference between the sum of values of some subterms after having been rounded off and the total values. Ⅸ.The domestic part of the Yearbook does not include that of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. Ⅹ.In the course of editing the China Marine Statistical Yearbook,we enjoyed energetic support from the various departments concerned and we hereby extend our heartfelt thanks to them.Criticisms and comments are welcome from readers on any of the oversights and inappropriateness as the time for editing is too short. Editorial Department ofChina Marine Statistical Yearbook