Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2018 Download
Yearbook title:内蒙古统计年鉴2018
Yearbook English title:Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2018
Publisher : China Statistics Press
Published Date : 9/2018
Frequency : Annually
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(CD)

Ⅰ.Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook is a regular large scale statistical reference book published yearly.With a vast amount of statistical data for 2017,this yearbook reflects various aspects of Inner Mongolia’s economic society,science and technology development.It is really an important and efficient statistical reference book for people of various circles in and outside China to know and understand Inner Mongolia. Ⅱ.The yearbook has two parts:Special articles and Statistics.The first part consists of important documents of the Party and the government and Statistical Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development in Inner Mongolia for2017.The second part consists of all the 24 chapters as follow:1.Division of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources;2.General Survey;3.National Accounts;4.Population;5.Employment and Wages;6.Investment in Fixed Assets;7.Energy and Environmental;8.Government Finance;9.Prices Indices;10.People’s Livelihood;11.General Survey of Cities;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Transport,Postal and Tele-communications Services;16.Domestic Trade;17.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;18.Tourism;19.Banking and Insurance;20.Education,Science and Culture;21.Sports,Public Health,Social Welfare and Other;22.Information of Leagues and Cities;23.Information of Banners and Counties(Districts and Cities);24.Appendix.In order to make it convenient for readers to consult,we edit exploratory notes on main statistical indicators of every chapter. Ⅲ.Most of the data in this yearbook sources are from annual statistical reports of government agencies,another part sources from sample survey. Ⅳ.Comparing with the content of Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook-2017,we changed the content as follow: The 17th part consists of Foreign Trade Economic Cooperation add index of Imports and Exports with “The Belt and Road”、Utilization of Foreign Capital by country,and adjust the layout. Ⅴ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅵ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook. Ⅶ.The notes concerning the whole table are placed at the upper part of table,while the notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the lower part. Ⅷ.Notations used in this yearbook:blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;”#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.