Gansu Development Yearbook 2020 Download
Yearbook title:甘肃发展年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Gansu Development Yearbook 2020
Published Date :12/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Ⅰ.Gansu Development Yearbook,edited by the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Statistics and Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Gansu and published by china statistics press,is a large-scale domestic and international public offering comprehensive annual publication.It records comprehensively Gansu economic and social development situation by the large amount of reliable data,and is an important tool to understand the situation of the province,city and conduct a scientific decision-making,consult and research for every level party and government leaders,economic management department,enterprise and public institution,research departments and domestic and foreign investors. Ⅱ.The yearbook is eleventh volume since founded,which is all the in Chinese-English and equipped with electronic version,records mainly Gansu economic and social development situation in 2019,but its statistics materials have traced back in time. Ⅲ.The yearbook contains the following two parts:The first part contains Featured Articles,Survey,National Economy,Traffic Communication,Government Finance and Financial,Economy & Management,Social Undertaking,People’s Living Conditions,City& State and Lanzhou New Area Overview,total 9 chapters.The second part contains total 23 sections and chapters:General Survey;Population;National Accounts;Employment and Wages;Prices;People’s Living Conditions;Government Finance and Financial Intermediation;Resources and Environment;Energy;Investment in Fixed Assets;Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;Agriculture;Industry;Construction;Wholesale and Retail Trades;Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism;Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;Education & Science and Technology;Public Health,Social Services and Social Security;Culture and Sports;City;Ethnic Minority Autonomous Area;Lanzhou New Area.For the convenience of using information for the readers,statistics have a brief introduction at the beginning of each part.In addition,explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of each part. Ⅳ.The yearbook style is divided into contents,subhead and entry three levels,and entry as the basic structural unit.The entry titles are in bold and add[]. Ⅴ.In comparison with Gansu Development Yearbook-2019,following amendments were mainly made in content of this yearbook:In the second part,the chapter of “National Accounts”,Input-Output Table of 2017 are added;of the chapter “Government Finance and Financial Intermediation”,indicators in Government Expenditure table and Revenue and Expenditure of Government Fund table are adjusted according to the annual financial report;of the chapter “Energy”,absolute values of “Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP” indicator are deleted in the table of “Energy Consumption”;of the chapter “Investment in Fixed Assets”,table of “Growth Rate of Investment in Fixed Assets by Field” is added;of the chapter “Industry” “Construction” “Wholesale and Retail Trades” “Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism”,indicators of “Revenue from Principal Business” “Cost of Principal Business” and “Taxes and Extra Charges on Principal Business” are changed into “Business Revenue”“Business Cost” and“Taxes and Extra Charges from Principal Business”;of the chapter “Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services”,tables of “Statistics on New Registration of Civil Vehicles” and “Possession of Vehicles for Highway Business Transportation” are added;of the chapter “Education & Science and Technology”,tables of “Basic Statistics of Non-government Education” and “Children of Migrant Workers and Children Left Behind”are added;of the chapter “Public Health,Social Services and Social Security”,indicators of medical technical personnel and beds in health care institutions per 10000 persons are added;of the chapter “Culture and Sports”,table of “Main Indicators of Culture and Related Industry above Designated Size by Type” is added. Ⅵ.As the methods of statistical system reform,some of the caliber of statistical indicators,including the scope and computational method change and please note that when used.The presentation data is provided by the units and some are preliminary statistics,if they does not accord with the statistical tables to tables shall prevail. Ⅶ.The historical data of relevant indicators in the chapter of “National Accounts” and “Wholesale and Retail Trades” in this yearbook have been revised according to the results of the Fourth National Economic Census. Ⅷ.Please refer to the newly published version of the Yearbook for updated historical data.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units,statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. Ⅸ.Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown,or are not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total. The edit and publishing of Yearbook were strongly supported by the departments under the provincial leadership,relevant enterprises and public institutions.We express our sincere thanks!