Yearbook title:中国科技统计年鉴2022
Published Date :12/2022
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2022 is prepared jointly by the Department of Social,Science and Technology,and Cultural Statistics National Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Strategy and Planning of Science and Technology.The Yearbook,which covers data series at the national,provincial and local levels,and autonomous regions,as well as departments directly under the State Council,reports on the development of China’s science and technology activities. The yearbook contains the following ten parts.The first part reflects general science and technology(S&T)information on whole society;The second part,the third part and the forth part reflect respectively S&T information about Enterprises,Independent Research Institutions and Institutions of Higher Education.The caliber of enterprises refers to enterprises above scale,including mining industry,manufacturing industry,electric power,heat power,gas and water production and supply industry above scale.Special,first-class general contracting,professional contracting construction;Transportation,storage and postal services,information transmission,software and information technology services,leasing and business services,scientific research and technologyservices,water conservancy,environment and public facilities management,health and social work,culture,sportsand entertainment.Independent Research Institutions cover the municipal and above and independent accounting scientific research and technological development institutions which belong to government;Institutions of Higher Education cover Institutions of Higher Education and affiliated hospitals.The fifth part contains information on High Technology Industry.The sixth part contains information on innovation activities of enterprises.The seventh part contains information on National Program for Science and Technology.The eighth part contains information on results of S&T activities.The ninth part covers Scientific and Technologic Service and S&T activities of China Associations for S&T.The tenth part contains information on the international comparisons. Except for patent,international comparison index and special indication,the national statistical data involved in this yearbook do not include data from Hong Kong,Macao special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. Notations used in this book:”(blank space)”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table or data are unknown or are not available;”#” indicates a major breakdown of the total;and “*” or “①” indicates footnotes at the end of the table. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. The institutions participating editing this volume include:Ministry of Education,Sate Administration of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Natural Resources,Ministry of Commerce,State Administration for Market Regulation,State Intellectual Property Office,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ministry of Emergency Management,China Meteorological Administration,China Association for Science and Technology,Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas.We would like to express our gratitude to these institutions of the State Council for their cooperation and support in sparing no effort to provide all the required data.