Yearbook title:中国农业年鉴2018(英文版)
Yearbook English title:China Agriculture Yearbook 2018 (English version)
Published Date :06/2019
Language : English
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
China Agriculture Yearbook 2018 (English version)
1.This Yearbook refers to the development and information of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery,land reclamation,agricultural machinery,agricultural product processing,agricultural natural disaster, China.It has been published both in Chinese and English since 1985. 2.The English edition bases itself mainly on the Chinese edition of China Agriculture Yearbook 2018.The compilation is under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and from the assistance of various ministries and state departments concerned.The data of the statistics of agricultural economy are from the National Bureau of Statistics,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,State Forestry and Grassland Administration and General Administration of Customs,etc. The English edition of this Yearbook does not include the information from Hongkong,Macao,and Taiwan Province of China unless specially stated.
China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019 Download
Yearbook title:中国科技统计年鉴2019
Yearbook English title:China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019
Published Date :12/2019
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2019
China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology-2019 is prepared jointly by the Department of Social,Science and Technology,and Cultural Statistics National Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Strategy and Planning of Science and Technology.The Yearbook,which covers data series at the national,provincial and local levels,and autonomous regions,as well as departments directly under the State Council,reports on the development of China’s science and technology activities. The yearbook contains the following nine parts.The first part reflects general science and technology(S&T)information on whole society;The second part,the third part and the forth part reflect respectively S&T information about Industrial Enterprises,Independent Research Institutions and Institutions of Higher Education Industrial Enterprises cover Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size,with the sales revenue above 20 million RMB;Independent Research Institutions cover the municipal and above and independent accounting scientific research and technological development institutions which belong to government;Institutions of Higher Education cover Institutions of Higher Education and affiliated hospitals.The fifth part contains information on High Technology Industry.The sixth part contains information on innovation activities of enterprises.The seventh part contains information on National Program for Science and Technology.The eighth part contains information on results of S&T activities.The ninth part covers Scientific and Technologic Service and S&T activities of China Associations for S&T.The tenth part contains information on the international comparisons. Notations used in this book:“(blank space)”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table or data are unknown or are not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total;and“*”or“①”indicates footnotes at the end of the table. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. The institutions participating editing this volume include:Ministry of Education,Sate Administration of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,Ministry of Natural Resources,Ministry of Commerce,State Administration for Market Regulation,State Intellectual Property Office,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chinese Academy of Engineering,Ministry of Emergency Management,General Administration of Customs,China Meteorological Administration,China Association for Science and Technology.We would like to express our gratitude to these institutions of the State Council for their cooperation and support in sparing no effort to provide all the required data.
China Forestry And Grassland Statistical Yearbook 2018 Download
Yearbook title:中国林业和草原统计年鉴2018
Yearbook English title:China Forestry And Grassland Statistical Yearbook 2018
Published Date :10/2019
Language :Chinese
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
To meet requirements of reform and opening-up,China Forestry Statistical Yearbook has been annually published since 1987.The year-book,as a reference tool,is used to help people from all walks of life at home and abroad to understand forestry construction and development in China.Since the grassland administration was combined into former State Forestry Administration,the yearbook is renamed as China Forestry and Grassland Statistical Yearbook. China Forestry and Grassland Statistical Yearbook 2018 is edited on the basis of some relevant information and the statistics submitted by the competent forestry and grassland departments of provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the Central Government and some institutions affiliated to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.The yearbook is composed of six components including green development and major resources,ecological improvement,development of forestry industry,employment,forestry in-vestment and education.It also contains 8 appendices of major statistical data of forest industry enterprises in the key state-owned forest are-as of the Northeast region and Inner Mongolia,forestry working stations and rural forest farms,major forest disasters,afforestation in counties,main forestry statistical indicators over years,import and export of primary forest products,import and export of wild fauna and flora and forestry in major countries of the world. In the yearbook,Inner Mongolia Group,Jilin Group,Changbai Mountain Group,Longjiang Group and Daxinganling refer to Inner Mongolia Forest Industry Group,Jilin Forest Industry Group,Chang-bai Mountain Forest Industry Group,Longjiang Forest Industry Group and Daxinganling Forestry Group. The yearbook(in case there are no specific notes)does not include the data of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. “-”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table or the data are not available. In order to improve the quality of the yearbook,readers’ suggestions and comments are warmly welcomed.
Yearbook title:河北经济年鉴2019
Yearbook English title:Hebei Economic Yearbook 2019
Published Date :05/2020
Language :Chinese
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Yearbook title:云南统计年鉴2019
Yearbook English title:Yunnan Statistical Yearbook Yearbook 2019
Published Date :11/2019
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2019
Ⅰ.Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual statistics reference book which fully reflects the national economy and social development of Yunnan province.The present yearbook covers comprehensive data in each city,county and prefecture in 2018 as well as some key data in significant years of the whole province. Ⅱ.After revision,this book contains the following eighteen parts:1.Provincial Survey;2.National Account;3.Investment in Fixed Assets;4.Urban and Rural Consumption;5.Public Finance;6.Foreign Trade;7.Agriculture and Country;8.Industry and Energy;9.Construction and Real Estate;10.Transport,Communications and Service Industry;11.Banking and Insurance;12.Tourism;13.Education,Science,Technology and Culture;14.Public Health,Sports and Social Services;15.Population and Employment;16.Resources and Environment;17.Survey of National Autonomous Area;18.Survey of Intra-county Economies. Ⅲ.Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each part to describe the content,scope and method of provincial statistical indicators briefly.The major data in this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports.It is advisable to note in the reference that the sum of data of each city,county and prefecture may not correspondingly equal the total of the whole province in some statistical indicators due to different statistical ranges and investigation methods.As for changes of statistical ranges,the relevant data are adjusted and explained accordingly in the present yearbook. Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this book are international standard measurement units issued by the state.Notations used in this yearbook,“(Blank)” indicates that the data are not available;or refers to numbers of minimum units or refers to numbers which are not in detail.“#” indicates that the major items of the total. Ⅴ.Thanks for the great support and attention given by party members and governments at each level,and colleagues who participate in this editing work.In order to perfect the yearbook and meet the requirements of the society better,comments from various readers are highly appreciated.At the same time,readers are welcome to correct our mistakes made in this book.