Tibet Statistical Yearbook 2021 Download
Yearbook title:西藏统计年鉴2021
Yearbook English title:Tibet Statistical Yearbook 2021
Published Date :10/2021
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Ⅰ.Tibet Statistical Yearbook 2021 contains comprehensive statistics on Tibetan economic and social development in 2020 and major statistical data in historically important years after The Peaceful Liberation of Tibet.It is really an important and efficient reference yearbook for people of all circles at home and abroad to know and understand Tibet. Ⅱ.The Yearbook contains 18 parts:1.Administrative Divisions and Natural Resources;2.General Survey and National Accounts;3.Population,Employment and Wages;4.Investment in Fixed Assets;5.Government Finance;6.Prices;7.People’s Living Conditions;8.Agriculture;9.Industry;10.Construction;11.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;12.Domestic Trade;13.Foreign Trade and Tourism;14.Financial Intermediation;15.Education,Science & Technology and Culture;16.Sports,Public Health and Others;17.Main Economic Indicators by Counties(Cities and Regions);18.Statistical Data of Province,Municipality and Autonomous Region.To facilitate readers,at the end of the book,Explanatory Notes on main statistical indicators are included. Ⅲ.The prices used in calculation in this publication are current prices of those years.Indices and growth rate of gross regional product of Tibet,value-added by three strata of industry,gross output value of agriculture and gross output value of industry are calculated at constant prices. Ⅳ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. Ⅴ.Please refer to the newly published version of the Yearbook for updated historical data. Ⅵ.Marks in this yearbook:“…”indicates that the data is not large enough to be rounded into the least unit;“blank space”indicates that the data are unknown or not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅶ.To facilitate readers,the Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents of the chapter,data sources,data collection Ⅷ.The units of measurement used in the Yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅸ.This book is written in Chinese and English,and is equipped with electric CD. Ⅹ.During the compilation of the yearbook,we have got the support from some government departments of Autonomous Region and other relative units.We express our thanks to all of them here.In order to be better,we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers.