Ningxia Statistical Yearbook 2022 Download
Yearbook title:宁夏统计年鉴2022
Yearbook English title:Ningxia Statistical Yearbook 2022
Published Date :2022.11
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Ⅰ.Ningxia Statistical Yearbook 2022 is a comprehensive,systematic and objective information yearbook re-flecting the economic and social development of Ningxia,which is jointly prepared by the Statistics Bureau ofNingxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Ningxia investigation team of the National Bureau of statistics and pub-lished by China Statistics Press.It is an indispensable tool for studying the situation of Ningxia,exchanging socialinformation,formulating policies and guiding work.It is also an important window for all circles at home andabroad to understand Ningxia.This yearbook contains the statistical data of economic and social aspects of Ningxiain important historical years and 2021,the main statistical data of cities and counties(districts),as well as themain statistical data of the whole country and provinces(cities and districts). Ⅱ.The yearbook contains twenty-three chapters:1.Administrative Divisions and Natural Resources;2.GeneralSurvey;3.National Accounts;4.Population;5.Employment and Wages;6.Investment in Fixed Assets;7.Energy;8.Government Finance,Financial Intermediation and Insurance;9.Prices Indices;10.People’s Living Conditions;11.Agriculture;12.Industry;13.Construction;14.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;15.Wholesale,Retail,Housing and Catering;16.Foreign Trade Economic Cooperation and Tourism;17.Education,Scienceand Technology Culture;18.Sports,Public Health,Civil Administration and Judicature;19.Ecological Environment;20.Main Survey Information of Service Enterprise above Designated Size;21.Enterprise Information and ElectronicCommerce;22.Economic and Social development of Agricultural Cultivation in Ningxia;23.Main Economic Indicatorsby Region. To facilitate readers,some chapters are accompanied by explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators. Ⅲ.Most of the statistical data in this yearbook come from the statistical annual report,and some come fromthe sample survey,main economic indicators by Region are from China Statistical Yearbook 2022 and China Statisti-cal Abstract of that year.The data in this book refer to 2021,with the exception of the year specified. Ⅳ.For updated historical data,please refer to the newly published version of the yearbook.Statistical dis-crepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅴ.Compared with the Ningxia Statistical Yearbook 2021,according to the revision of the current statisticalsurvey system,there are the following changes:the final consumption,total capital formation,total investment infixed assets of the whole society,GDP calculated by the expenditure method,the area of houses constructed by thewhole society,the floor area of houses completed by the whole society,the price index of agricultural means of pro-duction,fixed asset investment price index,cultivated land area,total post and telecommunications business,ur-ban per capita building area,rural per capita living area,birth rate,natural population growth rate and other indi-cator data were cancelled. Ⅵ.Thanks for the support in the publication and distribution of this yearbook.We sincerely hope that readersfrom all walks of life will give us your valuable comments with a view to further improving and enhancing our work.