Yearbook title:四川统计年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020
Published Date :10/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Ⅰ.Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020 is an annual statistics publication to reflect various aspects of Sichuan’s economic and social development,which covers very comprehensive data series in 2019 and some selected data series in historically important years and the most recent years at provincial level,local levels of prefecture and level of county. Ⅱ.The text of this Yearbook contains the following 22 parts:1.General Survey,2.National Accounts,3.Population,4.Employment and Wages,5.Investment in Fixed Assets,6.Energy,7.Resources and Environment,8.Local Government Finance and Price,9.People’s Living Conditions and Social Security,10.Urban Development,11.Survey of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas,12.Survey of County(City,District),13.Agriculture,14.Industry,15.Construction,16.Transportation and Post,17.Domestic Trade,18.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and International Tourism,19.Finance,20.Education,Science,Technology and Patents,21.Culture,Sports and Public Health,22.Other Social Activities.Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators is attached to the end of each chapter to help the readers to understand and use the statistical data in this book. Ⅲ.Compared with Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2019,the Yearbook adds data on the aggregate,speed,proportion and composition of the main indicators on Sichuan economy and social development since the western development.According to the revision of the current statistical investigation system,delete “gross regional product by ownership”,“gross regional product by expenditure approach”,“annual per capita consumption of residents” and other indicators in Chapter “National Accounts”;delete the number of employed persons and the total wages according to ownership in Chapter “Employment and Wages”;in Chapter “Urban Development”,enriched the statistical data of urban construction and municipal construction,delete “level of municipal infrastructure in counties”. Ⅳ.In this yearbook,the relevant department statistics are provided by relevant departments at the provincial level. Ⅴ.The statistics data published in the past is re-verified in this book.Any discrepancy between the data of this book,it prevails. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in this book are international standard measurement units. Ⅶ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook.
Yearbook title:广西统计年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2020
Published Date :10/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Ⅰ.Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2020 is an annual statistics publication,which covers very comprehensive data in 2019 and some selected data series in historically important years since 1978 of the whole autonomous region,the main statistical data of city,county(district) in 2019 and therefore,reflects various aspects of Guangxi’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.This book contains the following twenty-three parts,1.General Survey;2.Population;3.National Accounting;4.Employment and Wages;5.Prices;6.People’s Livelihood;7.Finance,Banking and Insurance;8.Natural Resources and Environment;9.Energy Production and Consumption;10.Investment in Fixed Assets;11.General Survey of Cities;12.Foreign Economy and Trades;13.Agriculture;14.Industry;15.Construction;16.Wholesale and Retail Trades;17.Hotel,Catering Services and Tourism;18.Transportation,Postal and Telecommunication Services;19.Education,Science and Culture;20.Sport,Public Health,Social Welfare and Service Industry;21.Regional Economy;22.Basic Statistics of Cities;23.Basic Statistics of Counties(Cities,Districts).In order to make readers understand the whole content of this book and use the materials correctly,most of the chapters are equipped with explanatory notes on main statistical indicators at the end.Moreover,appendix(Statistical Communique on National Economic and Social Development of Guangxi in 2019) are attached at the end of the book. Ⅲ.The international standard unit of measurement is applied in this book. Ⅳ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures in this book due to rounding are not adjusted. Ⅴ.In this yearbook,the statistical materials published before have been verified again,and the data that not tally with this book should take the data of this book as standard. Ⅵ.The major data sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports and some from sample surveys.And some from other Departments of Autonomous Region. Ⅶ.Notations used in this yearbook: “…”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table; “Blank space” indicates that the data are unknown or not available; “#”indicates the major items of the table. Ⅷ.The data of Gross Domestic Product(except part of Expenditure Approach) and Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods from 2003 to 2018 has been recalculated with The Fouth National Economic Census,and so as the related indicators of them.Au the data of GDP in 2019’s are from quick statistics data. Ⅸ.Acknowledgements:our great gratitude goes to relevant departments and staffs,from which we have received tremendous support when compiling the Yearbook.Mistakes may appear due to limited time for compiling.Please point out for correction if any.
Yearbook title:河南统计年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Henan Statistical Yearbook 2020
Published Date :09/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Ⅰ.Henan Statistical Yearbook 2020 is an annual statistical publication,which reflects comprehensively the economy and society development of Henan.It covers data for 2019 and key statistical data in some historically important years at the provincial level and city(couty) level of Henan.It also covers data for 2019 and key statistical data at the national level and the local level of other provinces. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following 27 parts,1.General Survey;2.National Accounts;3.Population;4.Employment and Wages;5.Investment in Fixed Assets,6.Foreign Trade and Tourism;7.Energy;8.Government Finance;9.Prices;10.People’s Living Conditions;11.General Survey of Cities;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Real Estate;16.Wholesale and Retail Sale Trades,Hotels and Catering Services;17.Financial Inter mediation;18.Other Services;19.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;20.Resources and Environment;21.Science and Technology;22.Education;23.Public Health and Social Work;24.Culture and Sports;25.Public Management,Social Security and Social Organizations;26.Main Indicators of County(City,municipal districts);27.Main Indicators of the Whole Nation and 31 Provinces(Municipality,Autonomous Regions). Ⅲ.To facilitate readers,the Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents of the chapter,data sources,statistical scope,statistical methods and historical changes.At the end of each chapter,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are included. Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅴ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook. Ⅵ.The notes concerning the whole table are placed at the upper part of the table,while the notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the lower part of the table.If the table occupied more than one page,the notes of the individual indicators are placed at the end of the last page. Ⅶ.Notations used in this yearbook:“(Blank)”indicates that the data are unknown or are not available;“#”Indicates a major breakdown of the total.
Yearbook title:北京统计年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Beijing Statistical Yearbook 2020
Published Date :09/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Beijing Statistical Yearbook is a large statistical book published continuously on a chronological basis.With a great deal of statistical data,this Yearbook gives a reflection of the economic and social development and changes in Beijing over the past year.It serves as an important reference book for domestic and foreign personnel in all circles to understand and know Beijing. Ⅰ.Framework Structure (Ⅰ) Overall Structure The overall structure of Beijing Statistical Yearbook remains stable.In color pages,the development and changing trends of main economic and social indicators of Beijing have been presented with both illustration and pictures;statistical tables are the main part of this Yearbook,mainly including 24 chapters,i.e.General Survey;National Accounts;Population and Employment;Price Index;People’s Living Conditions;Government Finance and Tax Revenues;Energy,Resources and Environment;Public Utilities;Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Real Estate Development;Foreign Economic Relations and Trade;Agriculture and Rural Economy;Industry;Construction;Tertiary Industry;Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services;Wholesale and Retail Trade,Accommodation and Restaurants;Tourism;Finance;Science and Technology;Education;Health Care and Social Services;Culture and Sports;Public Management,Social Security and Social Organizations;and Development Zones,reflecting the economic and social development situation across the city through multiple fields and industries. (Ⅱ) Structure of Chapters Internal structure of chapters in this Yearbook:Each chapter is composed of the Brief Introduction,Statistical Tables and Explanatory Notes to Main Statistical Indicators.There into,Brief Introduction appears on the first page of each chapter,mainly introducing the main content,statistical scope,indicator standards,method of adjustment to historical data in each chapter;Explanatory Notes to Statistical Indicators come on the last page of each chapter,mainly giving a brief explanation to the main indicators and calculation method,etc.involved in the chapter. Arrangement of statistical tables:In each chapter,statistical tables are arranged for the purpose of reflecting the main conditions in the field.Generally speaking,main indicators historical data tables come before current year data tables. Ⅱ.How to Use (Ⅰ) Years Conventionally,the year indicated in the title of the book is the year of publication.The latest data indicated in this Yearbook are data in the previous years.For example,this book is titled 2020 Beijing Statistical Yearbook,which means it will be published in 2020 while the latest data in the book is by the end of 2019. “Years” in the statistical tables are marked in three ways,each indicating a different meaning.Firstly,the statistical table is named“******(AAAA-BBBB)”,which refers to that the data listed in the table are those from the year of AAAA to BBBB;Secondly,the statistical table contains no years,indicating that the data listed in the table are those of current year and last year;Thirdly,the statistical table is named“******(AAAA)”,indicating that the data listed in the table are those of the year of AAAA. (Ⅱ) Symbols Symbols in statistical tables include: #:means that the item is included in the total.Grouped indicators marked with “#”are part of the total,while those without “#” mean that sum of included items equals to the total. ‖:grouping symbol,means that there are multiple ways of grouping the indicators. …:means that the figure is less than the minimum measurement unit of the table. Blank:means that the figure is unknown or unavailable. ***:When it is possible to identity or infer the identity of the individual statistical respondent based on the data,it shall be shielded and indicated with “***”. (Ⅲ) Data 1.Each chapter in this Yearbook consists of two parts:historical data tables and current year data tables.In principle,historical data that are shown in the historical data tables can be used continuously;for some historical data that have been adjusted,please refer to the latest yearbook;When using the data,it is necessary to refer to the Brief Introduction and the explanations on the change in method system,standards and scope in the Notes under the statistical tables.In the current year data tables,if the standards and scope,calculation method for the corresponding indicators,and certain data greatly differ from that of the previous year,they shall be explained in the Notes under the statistical tables. 2.In the 2020 Beijing Statistical Yearbook,the data of 2018 on gross domestic product,energy,real estate,industry,construction,services,wholesale and retail trade,research and experimental development (R&D) and other relevant fields have been supplemented,and the relevant historical data have been revised according to the results of the fourth national economic census in Beijing. 3.Compared with the 2019 Beijing Statistical Yearbook,adjustments have been made to the content of some chapters.Content related to the cultural industry has been moved to the Culture and Sports chapter.Revised historical data since 2001 on added value by sector are supplemented in the National Accounts part;historical data on natural gas consumption per RMB 10,000 of GDP and data on water used by industry above designated size by sector are added in the Energy,Resources and Environment part;historical data on trade in services are added in the Foreign Economic Relations and Trade part;historical data on PCT international patent applications,domestic patents in force and invention patents in force,and invention patent ownership per 10,000 persons,etc. are added in the Science and Technology part;historical data on educational funds are added in the Education part;historical data on added value of cultural industry and on the operation of cultural industry enterprises above designated size are added in the Culture and Sports part;and historical data on cases handled by procuratorial organs are supplemented in the Public Management,Social Security and Social Organization part. (Ⅳ) Electronic CD-ROM Beijing Statistical Yearbook is provided with a CD-ROM,which contains Chinese and English versions of this Yearbook.The CD-ROM helps users in working with and processing the data. (Ⅴ) The sum of some statistics or some relative numbers in this Yearbook might have certain calculation errors because of the choice of different units of measurement.All the statistics have not undergone mechanical adjustment.