Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2016

The contents of Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2016

Brief Introduction
Physical Geography And Resources
1-1 行政区划 (2015年末)
Administratives Divisions (end of 2015)
1-2 按行业门类和地区分组的法人单位数(2015年)
Number of Legal Entities by Region and Sector(2015)
1-3 各设区市按专业分组一套表法人单位数 (2015年)
Number of Qualified Legal Entities by Region and Profession in (2015)
1-4 国民经济和社会发展主要指标与发展速度
Major Indicators and Growth Rates on National Economic and Social Development
1-5 国民经济主要比例关系
Principal Relations of Major Indicators on National Economic
1-6 主要指标每人年平均水平
Per Capita Average Annual Level of Major Indicators
1-7 江西的一天
One Day of Jiangxi
1-8 地区生产总值
Gross Domestic Product
1-9 地区生产总值构成
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
1-10 地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1-11 地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1-12 收入法地区生产总值
Income Approach of Gross Domestic Product
1-13 支出法地区生产总值
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-14 支出法地区生产总值结构
Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-15 支出法地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-16 支出法地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-17 各县(市、区)地区生产总值(2015年)
Gross Domestic Product by County(County-level City) (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
2-1 人口自然变动情况
Population Natural Change
2-2 户数和人口数 (年末数)
Households and Population (year-end)
2-3 按城乡分的人口数 (年末数)
According to The Urban and Rural Population(year-end)
2-4 各地区户数和人口数 (2015年末)
Households and Population by Region(end of 2015)
2-5 各地区按城乡分的人口数 (2015年末)
According to The Urban and Rural Population by Region(end of 2015)
2-6 各地区家庭户数和家庭户规模 (2015年末)
Family Households Number and Family Households Size by Region(end of 2015)
2-7 各地区人口抚养比 (2015年末)
Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (end of 2015)
2-8 分年龄、性别的人口构成 (2015年末)
Population Composition by Age and Sex (end of 2015)
2-9 6岁及以上人口的文化构成 (2015年末)
Educational Attainment Composition of Population Aged 6 and above (end of 2015)
2-10 15岁及以上人口的婚姻构成 (2015年末)
Marital Composition of Population Aged 15 and above (end of 2015)
2-11 育龄妇女分年龄的生育状况 (2015年末)
Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother (end of 2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
3-1 劳动力资源
Labor Force Resources
3-2 三次产业社会就业人员数(年末数)
Number of Employed Persons by Three Strata of Industry (year-end)
3-3 社会就业人员数 (年末数)
Number of Employed Persons in Society (year-end)
3-4 各地区城镇就业人员数(年末数)
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Areas by Region (year-end)
3-5 各地区城镇个体劳动者数(年末数)
Number of Self-employed Workers in Urban Areas by Region (year-end)
3-6 城镇登记失业人数及登记失业率
Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas
3-7 城镇非私营单位就业人员年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-8 城镇非私营单位在岗职工年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-9 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员人数 (2015年末)
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units by Types of Groups (end of 2015)
3-10 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工人数 (2015年末)
Number of Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units by Types of Groups (end of 2015)
3-11 城镇非私营单位职工工资总额和平均工资
Total Wages Bill and Average Wage of Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units
3-12 城镇非私营单位职工平均工资指数
Average Wage Indices of Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units
3-13 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员工资总额 (2015年)
Total Wages Bill of Employed Persons by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-14 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工工资总额 (2015年)
Total Wages Bill of Employed Staff and Workers by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-15 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员平均工资 (2015年)
Average Wage of Employed Persons by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-16 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工平均工资 (2015年)
Average Wage of Employed Staff and Workers by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-17 城镇私营单位就业人员年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-18 公共就业服务工作情况 (2015年)
Operating Conditions of Public Employment Service (2015)
3-19 城镇新增净增就业情况 (2015年末)
Situations of Newly Increased and Net Increased Employment in Urban Areas (end of 2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
4-1 全社会固定资产投资
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
4-2 全社会固定资产投资
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
4-3 全社会固定资产投资构成
Composition of Total Investments in Fixed Assets
4-4 固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets
4-5 固定资产投资构成
Composition of Investment in Fixed Assets
4-6 分行业固定资产投资和构成
Investment and Expenditure in Fixed Assets by Sector
4-7 按行业和登记注册类型分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector and Registration Status (2015)
4-8 固定资产投资资金来源 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Sources of Funds (2015)
4-9 固定资产投资建设项目和新增固定资产 (2015年)
Projects Investment Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets (2015)
4-10 农村农户固定资产投资
Farm Households Investment in Fixed Assets in Rural Area
4-11 各地区固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
4-12 各地区固定资产投资增长速度 (2015年)
Growth Rates of Investment in Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
4-13 各地区按登记注册类型分的固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Status of Registration (2015)
4-14 各地区按行业分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Regin and Asector (2015)
4-15 各地区按构成分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Use of Funds (2015)
4-16 各地区按建设性质分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Type of Construction (2015)
4-17 各地区工业投资 (2015年)
Investment in Industry by Region (2015)
4-18 各地区固定资产投资建设项目和新增固定资产 (2015年)
Projects Investment Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
5-1 海关货物进出口总值
Total Value of Imports and Exports
5-2 海关进出口货物分类金额 (2015年)
Value of Imports and Exports by HS Section and Division (2015)
5-3 海关进出口货物分类金额 (2015年)
Value of Imports and Exports by HS Section and Division (2015)
5-4 按国别(地区)分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Volume of Imports and Exports by Country or Region (2015)
5-5 按国别(地区)分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Volume of Imports and Exports by Country or Region (2015)
5-6 海关主要商品出口值
Main Export Commodities in Value
5-7 海关主要商品出口值
Main Export Commodities in Value
5-8 海关主要商品进口值
Main Import Commodities in Value
5-9 按贸易方式分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Total Value of Imports and Exports by Customs Regime (2015)
5-10 对外经济合作
Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions
5-11 外商直接投资情况
Utilization of Direct Foreign Investments
5-12 外商在赣直接投资情况 (2015年)
Utilization of Direct Foreign Investments in Jiangxi (2015)
5-13 外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 (2015年)
Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises at Year-end (2015)
5-14 江西与国外结成友好城市一览
List of Foreign Sister Cities with Jiangxi
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
6-1 能源生产总量及构成
Total Production of Energy and Its Composition
6-2 能源消费总量及构成
Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition
6-3 综 合 能 源 平 衡 表
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
6-4 煤 炭 平 衡 表
Coal Balance Sheet
6-5 石 油 平 衡 表
Petroleum Balance Sheet
6-6 电 力 平 衡 表
Electricity Balance Sheet
6-7 能 源 消 费 量
Consumption of Energy by Sector
6-8 煤 炭 消 费 量
Coal Consumption
6-9 电 力 消 费 量
Electricity Consumption
6-10 能 源 生 产 量
Energy Production
6-11 平均每天能源消费量
Average Daily Energy Consumption by Type of Energy
6-12 人均生活能源消费量
Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households
6-13 能源生产弹性系数
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production
6-14 能源消费弹性系数
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
6-15 规模以上工业主要能源分行业消费量 (2015年)
Main Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector (2015)
6-16 各地区能源消费总量及用电量 (2015年)
The Energy Consumption and Electrical by Region(2015)
6-17 各地区规模以上工业主要能源消费量 (2015年)
Main Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
7-1 财 政 收 入
Government Revenue
7-2 一般公共预算收入
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government
7-3 一般公共预算支出
Public Financial Expenditures of the Local Government
7-4 财政收支总额及增长速度
Government Revenue and Expenditure and Growth Rates
7-5 各地区一般公共预算收入 (2015年)
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government by Region (2015)
7-6 各地区一般公共预算支出 (2015年)
Public Financial Expenditures of the Local Government by Region (2015)
7-7 县(市、区)一般公共预算收支表 (2015年)
General Public Financial Revenue and Expenditure of Local Government by County (County-level City) (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
8-1 各 种 价 格 指 数
Price Indices
8-2 各 种 价 格 指 数 (2015年)
Price Indices (2015)
8-3 商品零售价格分类指数 (2015年)
Retail Price Indices by Category (2015)
8-4 居民消费价格分类指数 (2015年)
Consumer Price Indices by Category (2015)
8-5 各市、县商品零售价格分类指数 (2015年)
Retail Price Indices by Category and Region (2015)
8-6 各市、县居民消费价格分类指数 (2015年)
Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region (2015)
8-7 工业生产者出厂价格指数
Producer Price Index for Industrial Products
8-8 按工业行业分工业生产者出厂价格指数
Producer Price Index for Industrial Products by Sectors
8-9 工业生产者购进价格指数
Producer Price Indices for Purchasing Goods
8-10 固定资产投资价格指数
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
9-1 人民物质文化生活情况
People’s Material and Cultural Life
9-2 居民消费水平
Household Consumption Expenditure
9-3 各地区居民消费水平 (2015年)
Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2015)
9-4 各地区住户存款年末余额 (2015年)
Balance of Household Depositsat Year-end by Region (2015)
9-5 城镇居民基本情况
Basic Condition of Urban Households
9-6 城镇居民按收入高低五等份分组基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Indicators of Urban Households of Five Groups Divided Equally by Income Level (2015)
9-7 城镇居民平均每人每年收支
Per Capita Annual Cash Income and Expenditure of Urban Households
9-8 城镇居民平均每人每年收支 (2015年)
Per Capita Annual Cash Income and Expenditure of Urban Households (2015)
9-9 城镇居民平均每人每年消费支出 (2015年)
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households (2015)
9-10 城镇居民平均每人每年消费支出和构成
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure and Expenditure Percentage of Urban Households
9-11 城镇居民平均每百户主要耐用消费品年末拥有量
Ownership of Major Consumer Good Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
9-12 农村居民家庭基本情况
Basic Statistics on Rural Households
9-13 平均每百户农村居民主要生产用固定资产拥有量
Ownership of Major Fixed Assets for Production Per 100 Rural Households
9-14 农村居民人口与就业情况
Population and Employment of Rural Households
9-15 平均每百户农村居民主要耐用消费品年末拥有量
Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Rural Households
9-16 农村居民人均食品消费量
Peasants’ Per Capita Consumption on Living Consumer Goods
9-17 农村居民平均每人总收入
Per Capita Total Income in Rural Households
9-18 农村居民平均每人现金收入
Per Capita Cash Income in Rural Households
9-19 农村居民家庭平均每人总支出
Per Capita Total Expenditures in Rural Households
9-20 农村居民平均每人生活消费支出
Per Capita Living Expenditure of Rural Households
9-21 农村居民家庭平均每人可支配收入
Per Capita Annual Net Income in Rural Households
9-22 农村居民平均每人按收入水平分组的户数构成
Composition of Rural Households by Per Capita Annual Net Income
9-23 按收入高低五等份分组农村居民家庭基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Indicators of Rural Households of Five Groups Divided Equally by Income Level (2015)
9-24 各地区城乡居民人均可支配收入和消费支出(2015年)
Per Capita Annual Income and Consumption Expenditure of Urban and Rural Residents by Region (2015)
9-25 居民人均收入和消费支出(2015年)
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure (2015)
9-26 各县(市、区)城乡居民人均可支配收入
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban and Rural Residents by Region and County
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
10-1 城市公用事业和建设基本情况
Basic Statistics on City Public Utilities and Construction
10-2 城市人口和面积 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on City Population and Area (2015)
10-3 市政公用设施建设固定资产投资 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Investment in Public Utilities and Municipal Construction (2015)
10-4 市政设施水平 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Municipal Infrastructure in Cities (2015)
10-5 城市人工煤气生产、供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Produce,Supply and Use of Gaswork Gas in Cities (2015)
10-6 城市天然气供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Supply and Use of Natural Gas in Cities (2015)
10-7 城市液化石油气供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Supply and Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Cities (2015)
10-8 城市公共交通和出租车情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Public Transportation and Taxi in Cities (2015)
10-9 城市道路和桥梁情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Roads and Bridges (2015)
10-10 城市排水和污水处理情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Drainage and Sewage Disposal (2015)
10-11 城市园林绿化情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Parks, Gardens and Green Areas (2015)
10-12 城市市容环境卫生情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
11-1 森林资源情况
Condition of Forest Resourses
11-2 造林面积和营林情况
Condition of Afforested Area and Silviculture
11-3 林业重点工程建设情况
Condition of Forestry Engineering Construction of Key
11-4 各地区林业重点工程建设情况(2015年)
Condition of Forestry Engineering Construction of Key by Region (2015)
11-5 自然保护区和森林公园基本情况
Basic Condition of Natural Reserve and Forest Park
11-6 各地区森林资源情况(2015年)
Condition of Forest Resources by Region (2015)
11-7 各地区自然保护基本情况(2015年)
Basic Condition of Natural Reserve by Region (2015)
11-8 国家级森林公园(2015年)
National Forest Park (2015)
11-9 国家级、省级自然保护区(2015年)
National and Provincial Natural Reserves (2015)
11-10 林业产业分行业产值情况
Gross Output Value Composition of Forestry Industry
11-11 林业投资资金来源情况
Condition of Forestry Investment Fund Resource
11-12 森林病虫害防治情况
Condition of Forest Pets Prevention
11-13 森林火灾发生情况及森林防火专业队建设情况
Forest Fires and Construction of Prevention of Forest Fire Team
11-14 各地区森林火灾情况(2015年)
Forest Fires by Region (2015)
11-15 各地区国有林场情况(2015年)
Condition of State-owned Farms by Region (2015)
11-16 重点调查工业企业“三废”排放及处理利用情况(2015年)
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes of Focused Investigated Industrial Enterprises (2015)
11-17 各地区工业“三废”排放及处理情况(2015年)
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes (2015)
11-18 工业“三废” 排放及处理利用情况
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes
11-19 各地区城镇生活污染情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Consumption Waste by Region (2015)
11-20 水 资 源 总 量(2015年)
Water Resources (2015)
11-21 供 水 量 (2015年)
Water Supply (2015)
11-22 用 水 量 (2015年)
Water Use (2015)
11-23 耗 水 量 (2015年)
Total Water Consumption(2015)
11-24 废 污 水 排 放 量 (2015年)
Discharge of Waste Water (2015)
11-25 各地区气象台站及主要技术装备情况(2015年)
Weather Stations and Machinery in Cities by Region (2015)
11-26 各地区气候基本情况(2015年)
Climate by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
12-1 农村乡(镇)基本情况
Basic Conditions of Township and Town of Country
12-2 各地区乡(镇)组织情况 (2015年)
Organizing Conditions of Township and Town by Region (2015)
12-3 农、林、牧、渔业总产值和商品产值
Gross Output Value,and Commodity Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-4 农、林、牧、渔业总产值构成
Gross Output Value Composition of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-5 农、林、牧、渔业总产值指数
Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-6 农、林、牧、渔业总产值
Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-7 各地区粮食作物和多种经营产值 (2015年)
Output Value of Grain Crops and Multi deal by Region (2015)
12-8 农林牧渔业商品产值和商品率
Commodity Output Value and Commdity Rate of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-9 农、林、牧、渔业中间消耗
Intermediate Consumption of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-10 主要农业机械年末拥有量和机耕情况
Major Agricultural Machinery at the Year-end and Condition of Tractor-ploughing
12-11 农业电气化、化学化、水利化情况
Agricultural Electrization, Chamization, Adequate Irrigation
12-12 水利灌溉设施年末建成达到情况
Construction Condition of Water Conservancy for Irrigation at the End of Year
12-13 各地区农业电气化、化学化、水利化情况 (2015年)
Agricultural Electrization,Chamization,Adequate Irrigation by Region (2015)
12-14 堤防、水闸、除涝、水土保持及解决饮水困难情况
Condition of Dike,Sluice,Waterlogging Control,Water and Soil Conversation and Easing the Shortage of Drinking Water
12-15 农作物播种面积和产量 (2015年)
Total Sown Areas and Output of Farm Crops (2015)
12-16 农 作 物 播 种 面 积
Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops
12-17 主 要 农 产 品 产 量
Output of Major Farm Products
12-18 各地区经济作物播种面积 (2015年)
Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops by Region (2015)
12-19 各地区主要经济作物单位播种面积产量 (2015年)
Output of Unit of Major Farm Crops Sown Area by Region (2015)
12-20 各地区主要经济作物总产量 (2015年)
Total Output of Major Farm Crops by Region (2015)
12-21 茶叶、水果生产情况
Production Conditions of Tea,Fruits
12-22 各地区茶叶、水果产量 (2015年)
Output of Tea,Fruits by Region (2015)
12-23 各地区茶园、果园面积 (2015年)
Area of Tea Plantations,Orchard by Region (2015)
12-24 各地区主要林产品产量(2015年)
Output of Major Forest Products by Region (2015)
12-25 主要林产品产量
Output of Major Forest Products
12-26 牧 业 生 产 情 况
Production Condition of Animal Husbandry
12-27 各地区牧业生产情况 (2015年)
Production Condition of Animal Husbandry by Region (2015)
12-28 渔业生产情况
Production Condition of Fishery
12-29 各地区渔业生产情况 (2015年)
Production Condition of Fishery by Region (2015)
12-30 各地区农村经济效益 (2015年)
Rural Economic Efficiency by Region (2015)
12-31 各地区按人口平均的主要农产品产量 (2015年)
Output of Major Rural Products per Person by Region (2015)
12-32 生猪调出奖励大县农村经济情况 (2015年)
Conditions of Rural Economy of County Which are Rewarded for Lare Hog-contributed (2015)
12-33 农村扶贫对象分布情况
Distribution of Aid-the-poor Object
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
13-1 规模以上工业企业单位数及工业总产值 (2015年)
Number and Gross Industrial Output Value of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
13-2 规模以上工业企业增加值
Value-added of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-3 各地区规模以上工业企业单位数 (2015年)
Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
13-4 各地区规模以上工业企业总产值 (2015年)
Gross Output Value of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
13-5 工 业 产 品 产 量 (2015年)
Output of Industrial Products (2015)
13-6 主 要 工 业 产 品 产 量
Output of Major Industrial Products
13-7 规模以上工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicator of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-8 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(2015)
13-9 规模以上国有控股工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-10 国有控股工业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprises (2015)
13-11 规模以上集体企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Collective-owned Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-12 规模以上外商及港、澳、台投资工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Funds From Foreign, Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan above Designated Size
13-13 规模以上股份制工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Share-holding Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-14 规模以上私营工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-15 工业园区主要经济指标(2015年)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Park (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
14-1 建筑业主要经济指标
Main Economic Indicators on Construction
14-2 按登记注册类型分的建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registrtion Status (2015)
14-3 各地区建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction by Region (2015)
14-4 劳务分包建筑业企业主要指标
Main Indicators of Labour Subcontractors in Construction Industry
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
15-1 运 输 线 路 长 度
Length of Transportation Routes
15-2 交通运输工具年末实有数
Actual Number of Transportation Facilities at Year-end
15-3 公路里程年底到达数 (2015年)
Length of Highways at Year-end (2015)
15-4 全 社 会 运 输 量
Total Freight Traffic and Passenger Traffic
15-5 全社会运输周转量
Total Freight Ton-kilometers and Passenger-kilometers
15-6 铁路、港口主要指标
Main Indicators of Railways and Ports
15-7 邮政电信业务主要指标
Principal Indicators of Postal and Telecommunications Services
15-8 各设区市交通运输工具年末实有数 (2015年)
Actual Number of Transportation Facilities at Year-end (2015)
15-9 邮政电信业务主要指标 (2015年)
Principal Indicators of Postal and Telecommunications Services (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
16-1 社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
16-2 限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业商品购进、销售、库存总额(2015年)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprise above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trades (2015)
16-3 限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade (2015)
16-4 限额以上餐饮法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Services (2015)
16-5 限额以上住宿法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Main Financial Indicators of Star-ranking Hotels (2015)
16-6 限额以上住宿业经营情况 (2015年)
Business of Star-ranking Hotels (2015)
16-7 限额以上餐饮法人企业经营情况 (2015年)
Business of Catering Services above Designated Size (2015)
16-8 各地区限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of Domestic Trade by Region (2015)
16-9 各地区限额以上住宿餐饮法人企业主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of Hotels and Catering Sevices (2015)
16-10 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位成交额情况 (2015年)
Turnover of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2015)
16-11 各地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region (2015)
16-12 旅 游 业 发 展 情 况
Development of Tourism
16-13 国际旅游收入情况
Income from International Turism
16-14 入 境 旅 游 情 况
Condition of Oversea Visitor Arrivals
16-15 各地区旅游情况 (2015年)
Condition of Tourism by Region (2015)
16-16 各地区“春节、五一、十一”旅游情况 (2015年)
Condition of Tourism by Region in Spring Festival, May Day or National Day Holidays (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
17-1 金融机构本外币信贷资金平衡表年末余额(2015年)
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of RMB and Foreign Currency of Financial Institutions at Year-end (2015)
17-2 金融机构人民币信贷资金平衡表年末余额(2015年)
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (2015)
17-3 各地区金融机构(含外资)本外币信贷主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators on RMB and Foreign Currency Trust of Financial Institutions (Foreign Capital Included) by Region(2015)
17-4 财产保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Property Insurance Companies
17-5 人寿保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Life Insurance Companies
17-6 各地区保险业务情况 (2015年)
Insurance Business Conditions by Region (2015)
17-7 江西省上市公司数量
Jangxi Summary for Number of Listed Companies
17-8 股票发行量和筹资额
Issued Share and Raised Capital
17-9 江西省证券市场基本情况
Jiangxi General Statistics on Securities Markets
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
18-1 房地产开发与经营主要指标
Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
18-2 房地产开发房屋施工、竣工、销售与出租情况 (2015年)
Residential Buildings under Construction,Completed,Sale and for Rent of Real Estate Development (2015)
18-3 按登记注册类型分的房地产开发投资 (2015年)
Investment in Real Estate Development by Registration Status (2015)
18-4 各地区房地产开发和经营指标 (2015年)
Development and Operating Indicators for Real Estate by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
19-1 R&D 经费内部支出
R&D Internal Expenditure
19-2 研究与试验发展(R&D)情况(2015年)
Basic Statistics on Research and Experimental Development (2015)
19-3 研究与试验发展(R&D)项目(课题)情况(2015年)
R&D Projects (2015)
19-4 研究机构情况(2015年)
Scientific Research Institutions (2015)
19-5 规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展情况
R&D Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
19-6 各地区规模以上工业企业研发情况 (2015年)
Main Statistics on R&D of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
19-7 地方企事业单位专业技术人员(一)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises (I)
19-8 地方企事业单位专业技术人员(二)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises (II)
19-9 地方企事业单位分行业专业技术人员 (2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises by Sector (2015)
19-10 地方企业单位单位技术人员(一)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Enterprises(I) (2015)
19-11 地方企业单位单位技术人员(二)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Enterprises(II) (2015)
19-12 地方事业单位单位技术人员(一)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions (I)(2015)
19-13 地方事业单位单位技术人员(二)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions (II)(2015)
19-14 政府部门属科技机构情况 (2015年)
Government Administratied Science Institutions (2015)
19-15 县以上政府部门属自然科学研究与开发机构情况 (2015年)
County and above Departments Administratied Natural Science Research and Development Institutions (2015)
19-16 高等学校科技人力资源情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Higher Education for Human Resource (2015)
19-17 高等学校科技项目情况 (2015年)
Statistics on Scientific Projects in Schools of Higher Education (2015)
19-18 科协系统科技活动情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on S&T Activities of S&T Associations (2015)
19-19 技术市场基本情况
Basic Statistics on Technology Market
19-20 专利申请受理量和授权量
Patents Application Accepted and Granted
19-21 获国家级、省级科技奖项数
National-level and Provincial-level S&T Awards
19-22 各类全日制学校基本情况 (2015年)
Total Enrollment of Full-time Schools by Type of School (2015)
19-23 各类全日制学校在校学生数
Total Enrollment of Full-time Schools by Type of School
19-24 各类全日制学校毕业生数
Graduates in Full-time Schools by Type of School
19-25 普通高等学校分学科学生情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2015)
19-26 普通中专学校分科学生数 (2015年)
Number of Students in Regular Specialized Secondary School by Field of Study (2015)
19-27 各地区普通中专教育基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Specialized Secondary School by Region (2015)
19-28 各地区普通中学基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Secondary Schools (2015)
19-29 中等职业学校基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Secondary Vocational Education by Type of School (2015)
19-30 各地区职业高中基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Vocational Secondary Schools by Region (2015)
19-31 职业高中分科学生情况 (2015年)
Students of Senior Secondary Vocational School by Field of Study (2015)
19-32 小学、特殊教育基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Primary Schools, Special Education (2015)
19-33 平均每万人口在校学生数
Number of Students Per 10000 Population by Level
19-34 初中毕业生、小学毕业生升学率
Proportion of Students Entering into Junior and Senior Secondary Schools
19-35 小学学龄儿童数和入学率
Number of School-age Children and Rate of Entering the Primary Schools
19-36 幼 儿 园 基 本 情 况
Basic Statstics on Kindergartens
19-37 按城乡、按地区分幼儿园基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statstics on Kindergartens by Residence and Region (2015)
19-38 成人教育基本情况
Basic Statistics on Adult Educations
19-39 文化事业机构与人员数
Number of Institutions and Staff Personnel for Cultural Undertakings
19-40 各地区文化事业单位数 (2015年)
Number of Institutions for Cultural Undertakings by Region (2015)
19-41 文化产业机构基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Cultural Industry Institutions (2015)
19-42 文化产业从业人员基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Employed Persons of Cultural Industry (2015)
19-43 文化产业机构人员情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Personnel of Cultural Industry Institutions (2015)
19-44 报纸、杂志、图书出版种数
Publication of Newspapers, Magazines and Books
19-45 报纸、杂志、图书出版数量
Pieces of Newspapers, Magazines and Books Published
19-46 广播、电视事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Stations
19-47 各地区广播电视主要统计指标 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television by Region (2015)
19-48 各部门、各地区广播电视主要经济指标 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television by Region and Department (2015)
19-49 测绘生产完成情况
Statistics on Projects Completed by Surveying and Mapping Departments
19-50 测绘资料提供情况
Statistics on Output of Surveying and Mapping Materials
19-51 各地区产品质量监督检查情况 (2015年)
Results of Supervision and Sampling Check on the Quality of Products by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
20-1 卫生机构、床位及人员数
Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Personnels
20-2 各类卫生机构、床位、人员数 (2015年)
Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Personnels by Type (2015)
20-3 卫生机构人员数
Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions
20-4 各地区卫生事业基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Health Institutions by Region (2015)
20-5 各地区卫生技术人员数 (2015年)
Technical Personnel in Health Institutions by Region (2015)
20-6 各类医院机构、床位及人员数 (2015年)
Beds and Personnel in Health Institutions by Specializations (2015)
20-7 各类医疗机构病床使用情况 (2015年)
Bed Utilization of Medical Institutions (2015)
20-8 各类医疗机构门诊诊疗情况 (2015年)
Out-patient Clinics in Hospitals in Medical Institutions(2015)
20-9 各类医疗机构住院治疗情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Inpatients Treatments in Medical Institutions(2015)
20-10 各地区医院门诊诊疗情况 (2015年)
Out-patient Clinics in Hospitals by Region (2015)
20-11 各地区医院病床使用情况 (2015年)
Utilization of Hospital Beds by Region (2015)
20-12 各地区育龄妇女节育、晚婚情况 (2015年)
Birth-Control and Later-Marriage of Childbearing-age Women by Region (2015)
20-13 各地区计划生育情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Family Planning by Region (2015)
20-14 体育事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Sports
20-15 少年儿童业余体育学校基本情况
Basic Statistics on Amateur Sports School for Children and Adolescents
20-16 历届全省人民代表大会的代表人数
Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincial People’s Congresses
20-17 历届全省政治协商会议的委员人数
Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincical People’s Political Consultative Conferences
20-18 工 会 组 织 情 况
Basic Statistics on Trade Unions
20-19 共 青 团 组 织 情 况
Basic Statistics on the Communist Youth League
20-20 妇联系统组织情况
Basic Statistics of Women’s Federations
20-21 各地区城镇社区服务情况 (2015年)
Basic Conditions of Urban Community Service by Region (2015)
20-22 社会福利事业基本情况(2015年)
Basic Statistics on Social Welfare(2015)
20-23 各地区社会捐赠情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Social Donations by Region (2015)
20-24 各地区福利彩票发行情况 (2015年)
Statistics on Welfare Lottery by Region (2015)
20-25 社 会 保 障 情 况
Situations of Social Security
20-26 劳动争议处理基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Situations of Disposal of Labor Disputes (2015)
20-27 律师、公证及调解工作基本情况
Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation
20-28 婚 姻 登 记 情 况 (2015年)
Numbers of Marriages and Divorces (2015)
20-29 各地区婚姻登记情况 (2015年)
Number of Marriages and Divorces by Region (2015)
20-30 各类事故伤亡情况
Basic Statistics on Accidents
20-31 各地区工矿商贸企业事故、火灾、道路交通事故情况 (2015年)
Industry, Mining, Commerce and Trade Enterprises Accidents, Fire Accidents and Traffic Accidents by Region (2015)
20-32 各地区安全生产四项相对控制指标情况 (2015年)
Four Safe Production Relatively Control Targets by Region (2015)
20-33 社会发展与妇女儿童基本情况
Basic Statistics on Social Development, Women and Children
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
21-1 各省(市、区)年末总人口
Total Population at Year-end of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-2 各省(市、区)年末城镇人口比重
Urban Population Percentage of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-3 各省(市、区)生产总值
GDP of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-4 各省(市、区)生产总值指数
GDP Index of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-5 各省(市、区)人均生产总值
Per-capita GDP of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-6 各省(市、区)人均生产总值指数
Per-capita GDP Index of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-7 各省(市、区)公共财政预算收入
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-8 各省(市、区)全社会固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-9 各省(市、区)固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-10 各省(市、区)居民消费价格指数
Consumer Price Index of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-11 各省(市、区)全体居民人均收入与支出
Per capita income and Expenditure of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-12 各省(市、区)城镇居民人均收入与支出
Per Capita Net Income of Urban Residents of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-13 各省(市、区)农村居民人均收入与支出
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-14 各省(市、区)社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-15 各省(市、区)进出口总值
Total Imports & Exports of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-16 各省(市、区)进出口总值
Total Imports and Exports of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-17 各省(市、区)入境旅游情况
Development of Overseas Visitor Arrivals of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2015