Heilongjiang Statistical Yearbook 2021 Download
Yearbook title:黑龙江统计年鉴2021
Yearbook English title:Heilongjiang Statistical Yearbook 2021
Published Date :12/2021
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)
Ⅰ.Heilongjiang Statistical Yearbook—2021 is an annual statistics publication,which coversvery comprehensive data in 2020 and some selected data series in historically important yearsat provincial levels and local levels of cities,regions,and counties directly under the provincialgovernment and therefore,reflects various aspects of social and economic development ofHeilongjiang. Ⅱ.The book contains the following 20 parts,1.General Survey;2.Population,Employmentand Wages;3.National Accourts;4.Price Indices;5.People’s Living Conditions;6.Finance,Banking and Insurance;7.Resources and Environment;8.Energy;9.Investment in Fixed Assets;10.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;11.Agriculture;12.Industry;13.Construction;14.Housing and Real Estate;15.Domestic Trade and Tourism;16.Transport,Posts andTelecommunication Services;17.Education,Science and Technoloy;18.Culture,Sports,PublicHealth and Social Services;19.General Survey of Cities;Appedix Main Indicators of Counties.Inaddition,explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of each part. Ⅲ.The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurementunits. Ⅳ.The major data sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports,andsome from sample surveys and professional departments.Statistical coverage of some professionalhistorical data has adjusted.Please attention to explanatory notes in charts. Ⅴ.Some statistical data gathering from regions are not the same as total of province.Pleaseattention to use.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook. Ⅵ.Economic indicators in appendix are statistical data of county.The data are not checkedfrom level.It is reference only. Ⅶ.Notations used in this yearbook: “(Blank)”indicates that the data are unknown or are not available or the figure is not largeenough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table;”#” indicates the major items of thetotal.