Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020

Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020 Download

Yearbook title:四川统计年鉴2020
Yearbook English title:Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020
Published Date :10/2020
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020
Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020

Ⅰ.Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2020 is an annual statistics publication to reflect various aspects of Sichuan’s economic and social development,which covers very comprehensive data series in 2019 and some selected data series in historically important years and the most recent years at provincial level,local levels of prefecture and level of county. Ⅱ.The text of this Yearbook contains the following 22 parts:1.General Survey,2.National Accounts,3.Population,4.Employment and Wages,5.Investment in Fixed Assets,6.Energy,7.Resources and Environment,8.Local Government Finance and Price,9.People’s Living Conditions and Social Security,10.Urban Development,11.Survey of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas,12.Survey of County(City,District),13.Agriculture,14.Industry,15.Construction,16.Transportation and Post,17.Domestic Trade,18.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and International Tourism,19.Finance,20.Education,Science,Technology and Patents,21.Culture,Sports and Public Health,22.Other Social Activities.Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators is attached to the end of each chapter to help the readers to understand and use the statistical data in this book. Ⅲ.Compared with Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 2019,the Yearbook adds data on the aggregate,speed,proportion and composition of the main indicators on Sichuan economy and social development since the western development.According to the revision of the current statistical investigation system,delete “gross regional product by ownership”,“gross regional product by expenditure approach”,“annual per capita consumption of residents” and other indicators in Chapter “National Accounts”;delete the number of employed persons and the total wages according to ownership in Chapter “Employment and Wages”;in Chapter “Urban Development”,enriched the statistical data of urban construction and municipal construction,delete “level of municipal infrastructure in counties”. Ⅳ.In this yearbook,the relevant department statistics are provided by relevant departments at the provincial level. Ⅴ.The statistics data published in the past is re-verified in this book.Any discrepancy between the data of this book,it prevails. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in this book are international standard measurement units. Ⅶ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook.