Shandong Statistical Yearbook 2021 Download
Yearbook title:山东统计年鉴2021
Yearbook English title:Shandong Statistical Yearbook 2021
Published Date :10/2021
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Ⅰ.Shandong Statistical Yearbook is an annual publication,which covers very comprehensive data and reflects various aspects of Shandong’s social and economic development.It can also work as an important and historical reference book which will play a great role in comprehending and studying the basic conditions of Shandong,making policies,and guiding the development of society and economy. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following two parts:part one statistical tables and part two appendixes. Statistical tables contain the following twenty-two chapters,1.General Survey;2.National Accounts;3.Population;4.Employment,Wages and Social Security;5.Investment in Fixed Assets;6.Foreign Trade and Tourism;7.Energy;8.Government Finance and Banking;9.Price Indices;10.People’s Livelihood;11.City Construction;12.Natural Resources and Environment;13.Agriculture;14.Industry;15.Construction;16.Service Enterprise;17.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;18.Wholesale,Retail,Hotels and Catering Services;19.Education,Science and Technology;20.Culture,Sports and Health;21.Public Management and Social Services;22.Main Indicators of Counties(Cities and Districts at County Level). In brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter,main coverage of this chapter,data sources and statistical coverage are concerned.In addition,explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of each chapter,giving a brief explanation of statistical indicators,such as definition,statistical methods,statistical coverage and statistical scope. Appendixes contain the main economic indicators of some other provinces(municipality),international statistics,Shandong Statistics Communique and Shandong Statistical Undertaking.Shandong Statistical Undertaking contains Summary and Events of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics. Ⅲ.Data used in Shandong Statistics Communique are preliminary statistics.Data in other chapters is official annual data.Data in Shandong Statistical Yearbook are all verified and should be based on this standard. Ⅳ.In Shandong Statistical Yearbook,statistical definitions,statistical coverage,statistical methods and prices are adjusted according to the current state statistical standards,and all changes have been noted at the end of the table or in the explanatory notes.Data in value terms are calculated at current prices if there are no notes.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted. Ⅴ.After this yearbook was published,it has received lots of concerns and support from readers whom we should thank.Because of our ability,it is inevitable that there are shortcomings in this book,so we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers to perfect this book and to offer readers better service.