Yearbook title: 广西统计年鉴
ISBN: 978-7-5037-6926-9
Chief editor:
Editorial institution: Guangxi Statistics Bureau
Publisher: China Statistics Press
Collected volumes:2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1984

Ⅰ. Guangxi Statistical Yearbook is an annual statisticspublication, which covers very comprehensive data in 2013 and some selecteddata series in historically important years since 1978 of the whole autonomousregion, the main statistical data of city, county(district)in 2013 and therefore, reflects various aspects of Guangxi’ssocial and economic development.

Ⅱ. This bookcontains the following twenty-three parts, 1.General Survey; 2.NationalEconomic Accounting; 3.Population; 4.Employment & Wages; 5.Investment inFixed Assets; 6.Foreign Economy & Trades; 7.Natual Resources &Environment; 8. Energy Production & Consumption; 9.Finance, Banking & Insurance; 10. Price; 11. People’s Livelihood; 12.General Survey of Cities; 13. Agriculture;14. Industry; 15. Construction;16. Transportation, Postal & TelecommunicationServices; 17. Wholesale & Retail Trades; 18.Hotels Catering Services & Tourism; 19. Education, Science & Culture; 20. Sport,Public Health, Social Welfare & Service Industry; 21. Economic Zones; 22. Basic Statistics of Cities; 23.BasicStatistics of Counties(Cities, Districts). In Order tomake readers understand the whole content of this book and use the materialscorrectly, most of the chapters are equipped with explanatory notes on mainstatistical indicators at the end. Moreover, addenda(StatisticalCommunique on National Economic & SocialDevelopment of Guangxi in 2013) is attached at theend of the book.

Ⅲ. Theinternational standard unit of measurement is applied in this book.

Ⅳ. Statisticaldiscrepancies in this book due to rounding are not adjusted.

Ⅴ. In thisyearbook, the statistical materials published before have been verified again,and the data that tally with this book should take the data of this book asstandard.

Ⅵ. The majordata sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reportsand some from sample surveys.

Ⅶ. Notationsused in this yearbook:

“…” indicatesthat the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit inthe table;

“(blank)”indicates that the data are not available;

“#” indicatesthe major items of the table.

Ⅷ. Because ofinnovation in statistical system, some statistical data in this yearbook havebeen adjusted accordingly, and we have made footnote to these indicators. Theusers should notice that when using these data.

Ⅸ. Since thecomprehensive survey of economy has not been publicized, data that related tonational economy account are from preliminary reports, and it is explanted inthe chapters.

Ⅹ. Accordingto the 2nd Agriculture Census, the data of gross output value of farming,forestry animal husbandry and fishery, and the output of grains crops, economiccrops and major animals in 2006 and 2007 has been adjusted, while the data in2005 and before hasn’t.

XI. During the editions of this yearbook, wehave won wide support from many departments and comrades, and we deeply thanksfor these all. Based on our limited level, perhaps there are some mistakes inthe book, we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers.