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Jiangxi Province

Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2018

Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2018 Download

Yearbook title:江西统计年鉴2018
Yearbook English title:Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2018
Publisher : China Statistics Press
Published Date : 10/2018
Frequency : Annually
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(CD Version contain EXCEL files,PDF )


Ⅰ.Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2018 is an annual statistics publication,which covers very comprehensive data in 2017 and some selected data series in historically important years and the most recent thirty years at level of province and other provinces and municipalities.Therefore,reflects various aspects of Jiangxi’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following twenty-two chapters,General Survey;Population;Employment and Wages;Investment in Fixed Assets;Energy;Price Indices;People’s Livelihood;General Survey of Cities;Ecological Environment;Agriculture;Industry;Construction;Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services;Domestic Trade;Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;Tourism;Financial Intermediation;Insurance;Real Estate;Education,Science and Technology;Culture,Sports and Public Health;Social Welfare and Other Social Activities;Main Statistical Indictors on provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities and Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2017.For readers’ convenience,in Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter,main coverage of this chapter,data sources,statistical coverage,statistical methods and historical changes are concerned.In addition,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.This Yearbook re-audited statistic data published previously,any data different from this yearbook,take this yearbook’s as standard data. Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅴ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅵ.Notations used in the yearbook:blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;”#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.

Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2017

Publisher : China Statistics Press
Published Date : 09/2017
Frequency : Annually
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
ISBN/ISSN : 978-7-5037-8216-9
Weight : 3.10kg
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF & CD & EXCEL)

Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2017
Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2017

Ⅰ.Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2017 is an annual statistics publication,which covers very comprehensive data in 2016 and someselected data series in historically important years and the most recent thirty years at level of province and other provinces andmunicipalities.Therefore,reflects various aspects of Jiangxi’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following twenty-two chapters,General Survey;Population;Employment and Wages;Investmentin Fixed Assets;Energy;Price Indices;People’s Livelihood;General Survey of Cities;Environment Protection;Water Resources andMeterology;Agriculture;Industry;Construction;Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services:Domestic Trade;Foreign Tradeand Economic Cooperation;Tourism;Financial Intermediation;Insurance;Real Estate;Education,Science and Technology;Culture,Sports and Public Health;Social Welfare and Other Social Activities;Main Statistical Indictors on provinces,autonomous regionsand municipalities and Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2016.For readers’ convenience,in Brief Introduction at the beginning ofeach chapter,main coverage of this chapter,data sources,statistical coverage,statistical methods and historical changes areconcerned.In addition,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.This Yearbook re-audited statistic data published previously,any data different from this yearbook,take this yearbook’s asstandard data. IV.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. V.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. VI.Notations used in the yearbook:blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured With the smallestunit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;”#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.

Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2016

The contents of Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2016

Brief Introduction
Physical Geography And Resources
1-1 行政区划 (2015年末)
Administratives Divisions (end of 2015)
1-2 按行业门类和地区分组的法人单位数(2015年)
Number of Legal Entities by Region and Sector(2015)
1-3 各设区市按专业分组一套表法人单位数 (2015年)
Number of Qualified Legal Entities by Region and Profession in (2015)
1-4 国民经济和社会发展主要指标与发展速度
Major Indicators and Growth Rates on National Economic and Social Development
1-5 国民经济主要比例关系
Principal Relations of Major Indicators on National Economic
1-6 主要指标每人年平均水平
Per Capita Average Annual Level of Major Indicators
1-7 江西的一天
One Day of Jiangxi
1-8 地区生产总值
Gross Domestic Product
1-9 地区生产总值构成
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
1-10 地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1-11 地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1-12 收入法地区生产总值
Income Approach of Gross Domestic Product
1-13 支出法地区生产总值
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-14 支出法地区生产总值结构
Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-15 支出法地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-16 支出法地区生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
1-17 各县(市、区)地区生产总值(2015年)
Gross Domestic Product by County(County-level City) (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
2-1 人口自然变动情况
Population Natural Change
2-2 户数和人口数 (年末数)
Households and Population (year-end)
2-3 按城乡分的人口数 (年末数)
According to The Urban and Rural Population(year-end)
2-4 各地区户数和人口数 (2015年末)
Households and Population by Region(end of 2015)
2-5 各地区按城乡分的人口数 (2015年末)
According to The Urban and Rural Population by Region(end of 2015)
2-6 各地区家庭户数和家庭户规模 (2015年末)
Family Households Number and Family Households Size by Region(end of 2015)
2-7 各地区人口抚养比 (2015年末)
Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (end of 2015)
2-8 分年龄、性别的人口构成 (2015年末)
Population Composition by Age and Sex (end of 2015)
2-9 6岁及以上人口的文化构成 (2015年末)
Educational Attainment Composition of Population Aged 6 and above (end of 2015)
2-10 15岁及以上人口的婚姻构成 (2015年末)
Marital Composition of Population Aged 15 and above (end of 2015)
2-11 育龄妇女分年龄的生育状况 (2015年末)
Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother (end of 2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
3-1 劳动力资源
Labor Force Resources
3-2 三次产业社会就业人员数(年末数)
Number of Employed Persons by Three Strata of Industry (year-end)
3-3 社会就业人员数 (年末数)
Number of Employed Persons in Society (year-end)
3-4 各地区城镇就业人员数(年末数)
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Areas by Region (year-end)
3-5 各地区城镇个体劳动者数(年末数)
Number of Self-employed Workers in Urban Areas by Region (year-end)
3-6 城镇登记失业人数及登记失业率
Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas
3-7 城镇非私营单位就业人员年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-8 城镇非私营单位在岗职工年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-9 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员人数 (2015年末)
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units by Types of Groups (end of 2015)
3-10 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工人数 (2015年末)
Number of Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units by Types of Groups (end of 2015)
3-11 城镇非私营单位职工工资总额和平均工资
Total Wages Bill and Average Wage of Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units
3-12 城镇非私营单位职工平均工资指数
Average Wage Indices of Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units
3-13 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员工资总额 (2015年)
Total Wages Bill of Employed Persons by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-14 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工工资总额 (2015年)
Total Wages Bill of Employed Staff and Workers by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-15 城镇非私营单位各种分组的就业人员平均工资 (2015年)
Average Wage of Employed Persons by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-16 城镇非私营单位各种分组的在岗职工平均工资 (2015年)
Average Wage of Employed Staff and Workers by Types of Groups in Urban Non-Private Units (2015)
3-17 城镇私营单位就业人员年末人数、工资 (2015年)
Number and Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units at Year-end (2015)
3-18 公共就业服务工作情况 (2015年)
Operating Conditions of Public Employment Service (2015)
3-19 城镇新增净增就业情况 (2015年末)
Situations of Newly Increased and Net Increased Employment in Urban Areas (end of 2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
4-1 全社会固定资产投资
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
4-2 全社会固定资产投资
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
4-3 全社会固定资产投资构成
Composition of Total Investments in Fixed Assets
4-4 固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets
4-5 固定资产投资构成
Composition of Investment in Fixed Assets
4-6 分行业固定资产投资和构成
Investment and Expenditure in Fixed Assets by Sector
4-7 按行业和登记注册类型分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector and Registration Status (2015)
4-8 固定资产投资资金来源 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Sources of Funds (2015)
4-9 固定资产投资建设项目和新增固定资产 (2015年)
Projects Investment Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets (2015)
4-10 农村农户固定资产投资
Farm Households Investment in Fixed Assets in Rural Area
4-11 各地区固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
4-12 各地区固定资产投资增长速度 (2015年)
Growth Rates of Investment in Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
4-13 各地区按登记注册类型分的固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Status of Registration (2015)
4-14 各地区按行业分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Regin and Asector (2015)
4-15 各地区按构成分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Use of Funds (2015)
4-16 各地区按建设性质分固定资产投资 (2015年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region and Type of Construction (2015)
4-17 各地区工业投资 (2015年)
Investment in Industry by Region (2015)
4-18 各地区固定资产投资建设项目和新增固定资产 (2015年)
Projects Investment Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
5-1 海关货物进出口总值
Total Value of Imports and Exports
5-2 海关进出口货物分类金额 (2015年)
Value of Imports and Exports by HS Section and Division (2015)
5-3 海关进出口货物分类金额 (2015年)
Value of Imports and Exports by HS Section and Division (2015)
5-4 按国别(地区)分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Volume of Imports and Exports by Country or Region (2015)
5-5 按国别(地区)分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Volume of Imports and Exports by Country or Region (2015)
5-6 海关主要商品出口值
Main Export Commodities in Value
5-7 海关主要商品出口值
Main Export Commodities in Value
5-8 海关主要商品进口值
Main Import Commodities in Value
5-9 按贸易方式分海关货物进出口总值 (2015年)
Total Value of Imports and Exports by Customs Regime (2015)
5-10 对外经济合作
Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions
5-11 外商直接投资情况
Utilization of Direct Foreign Investments
5-12 外商在赣直接投资情况 (2015年)
Utilization of Direct Foreign Investments in Jiangxi (2015)
5-13 外商投资企业年底注册登记情况 (2015年)
Registration Status of Foreign Funded Enterprises at Year-end (2015)
5-14 江西与国外结成友好城市一览
List of Foreign Sister Cities with Jiangxi
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
6-1 能源生产总量及构成
Total Production of Energy and Its Composition
6-2 能源消费总量及构成
Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition
6-3 综 合 能 源 平 衡 表
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
6-4 煤 炭 平 衡 表
Coal Balance Sheet
6-5 石 油 平 衡 表
Petroleum Balance Sheet
6-6 电 力 平 衡 表
Electricity Balance Sheet
6-7 能 源 消 费 量
Consumption of Energy by Sector
6-8 煤 炭 消 费 量
Coal Consumption
6-9 电 力 消 费 量
Electricity Consumption
6-10 能 源 生 产 量
Energy Production
6-11 平均每天能源消费量
Average Daily Energy Consumption by Type of Energy
6-12 人均生活能源消费量
Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households
6-13 能源生产弹性系数
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production
6-14 能源消费弹性系数
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
6-15 规模以上工业主要能源分行业消费量 (2015年)
Main Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector (2015)
6-16 各地区能源消费总量及用电量 (2015年)
The Energy Consumption and Electrical by Region(2015)
6-17 各地区规模以上工业主要能源消费量 (2015年)
Main Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
7-1 财 政 收 入
Government Revenue
7-2 一般公共预算收入
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government
7-3 一般公共预算支出
Public Financial Expenditures of the Local Government
7-4 财政收支总额及增长速度
Government Revenue and Expenditure and Growth Rates
7-5 各地区一般公共预算收入 (2015年)
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government by Region (2015)
7-6 各地区一般公共预算支出 (2015年)
Public Financial Expenditures of the Local Government by Region (2015)
7-7 县(市、区)一般公共预算收支表 (2015年)
General Public Financial Revenue and Expenditure of Local Government by County (County-level City) (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
8-1 各 种 价 格 指 数
Price Indices
8-2 各 种 价 格 指 数 (2015年)
Price Indices (2015)
8-3 商品零售价格分类指数 (2015年)
Retail Price Indices by Category (2015)
8-4 居民消费价格分类指数 (2015年)
Consumer Price Indices by Category (2015)
8-5 各市、县商品零售价格分类指数 (2015年)
Retail Price Indices by Category and Region (2015)
8-6 各市、县居民消费价格分类指数 (2015年)
Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region (2015)
8-7 工业生产者出厂价格指数
Producer Price Index for Industrial Products
8-8 按工业行业分工业生产者出厂价格指数
Producer Price Index for Industrial Products by Sectors
8-9 工业生产者购进价格指数
Producer Price Indices for Purchasing Goods
8-10 固定资产投资价格指数
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
9-1 人民物质文化生活情况
People’s Material and Cultural Life
9-2 居民消费水平
Household Consumption Expenditure
9-3 各地区居民消费水平 (2015年)
Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2015)
9-4 各地区住户存款年末余额 (2015年)
Balance of Household Depositsat Year-end by Region (2015)
9-5 城镇居民基本情况
Basic Condition of Urban Households
9-6 城镇居民按收入高低五等份分组基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Indicators of Urban Households of Five Groups Divided Equally by Income Level (2015)
9-7 城镇居民平均每人每年收支
Per Capita Annual Cash Income and Expenditure of Urban Households
9-8 城镇居民平均每人每年收支 (2015年)
Per Capita Annual Cash Income and Expenditure of Urban Households (2015)
9-9 城镇居民平均每人每年消费支出 (2015年)
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households (2015)
9-10 城镇居民平均每人每年消费支出和构成
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure and Expenditure Percentage of Urban Households
9-11 城镇居民平均每百户主要耐用消费品年末拥有量
Ownership of Major Consumer Good Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
9-12 农村居民家庭基本情况
Basic Statistics on Rural Households
9-13 平均每百户农村居民主要生产用固定资产拥有量
Ownership of Major Fixed Assets for Production Per 100 Rural Households
9-14 农村居民人口与就业情况
Population and Employment of Rural Households
9-15 平均每百户农村居民主要耐用消费品年末拥有量
Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Rural Households
9-16 农村居民人均食品消费量
Peasants’ Per Capita Consumption on Living Consumer Goods
9-17 农村居民平均每人总收入
Per Capita Total Income in Rural Households
9-18 农村居民平均每人现金收入
Per Capita Cash Income in Rural Households
9-19 农村居民家庭平均每人总支出
Per Capita Total Expenditures in Rural Households
9-20 农村居民平均每人生活消费支出
Per Capita Living Expenditure of Rural Households
9-21 农村居民家庭平均每人可支配收入
Per Capita Annual Net Income in Rural Households
9-22 农村居民平均每人按收入水平分组的户数构成
Composition of Rural Households by Per Capita Annual Net Income
9-23 按收入高低五等份分组农村居民家庭基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Indicators of Rural Households of Five Groups Divided Equally by Income Level (2015)
9-24 各地区城乡居民人均可支配收入和消费支出(2015年)
Per Capita Annual Income and Consumption Expenditure of Urban and Rural Residents by Region (2015)
9-25 居民人均收入和消费支出(2015年)
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure (2015)
9-26 各县(市、区)城乡居民人均可支配收入
Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban and Rural Residents by Region and County
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
10-1 城市公用事业和建设基本情况
Basic Statistics on City Public Utilities and Construction
10-2 城市人口和面积 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on City Population and Area (2015)
10-3 市政公用设施建设固定资产投资 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Investment in Public Utilities and Municipal Construction (2015)
10-4 市政设施水平 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Municipal Infrastructure in Cities (2015)
10-5 城市人工煤气生产、供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Produce,Supply and Use of Gaswork Gas in Cities (2015)
10-6 城市天然气供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Supply and Use of Natural Gas in Cities (2015)
10-7 城市液化石油气供应和使用情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Supply and Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Cities (2015)
10-8 城市公共交通和出租车情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Public Transportation and Taxi in Cities (2015)
10-9 城市道路和桥梁情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Roads and Bridges (2015)
10-10 城市排水和污水处理情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Drainage and Sewage Disposal (2015)
10-11 城市园林绿化情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Parks, Gardens and Green Areas (2015)
10-12 城市市容环境卫生情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
11-1 森林资源情况
Condition of Forest Resourses
11-2 造林面积和营林情况
Condition of Afforested Area and Silviculture
11-3 林业重点工程建设情况
Condition of Forestry Engineering Construction of Key
11-4 各地区林业重点工程建设情况(2015年)
Condition of Forestry Engineering Construction of Key by Region (2015)
11-5 自然保护区和森林公园基本情况
Basic Condition of Natural Reserve and Forest Park
11-6 各地区森林资源情况(2015年)
Condition of Forest Resources by Region (2015)
11-7 各地区自然保护基本情况(2015年)
Basic Condition of Natural Reserve by Region (2015)
11-8 国家级森林公园(2015年)
National Forest Park (2015)
11-9 国家级、省级自然保护区(2015年)
National and Provincial Natural Reserves (2015)
11-10 林业产业分行业产值情况
Gross Output Value Composition of Forestry Industry
11-11 林业投资资金来源情况
Condition of Forestry Investment Fund Resource
11-12 森林病虫害防治情况
Condition of Forest Pets Prevention
11-13 森林火灾发生情况及森林防火专业队建设情况
Forest Fires and Construction of Prevention of Forest Fire Team
11-14 各地区森林火灾情况(2015年)
Forest Fires by Region (2015)
11-15 各地区国有林场情况(2015年)
Condition of State-owned Farms by Region (2015)
11-16 重点调查工业企业“三废”排放及处理利用情况(2015年)
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes of Focused Investigated Industrial Enterprises (2015)
11-17 各地区工业“三废”排放及处理情况(2015年)
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes (2015)
11-18 工业“三废” 排放及处理利用情况
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas, Waste Water & Solid Wastes
11-19 各地区城镇生活污染情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Urban Consumption Waste by Region (2015)
11-20 水 资 源 总 量(2015年)
Water Resources (2015)
11-21 供 水 量 (2015年)
Water Supply (2015)
11-22 用 水 量 (2015年)
Water Use (2015)
11-23 耗 水 量 (2015年)
Total Water Consumption(2015)
11-24 废 污 水 排 放 量 (2015年)
Discharge of Waste Water (2015)
11-25 各地区气象台站及主要技术装备情况(2015年)
Weather Stations and Machinery in Cities by Region (2015)
11-26 各地区气候基本情况(2015年)
Climate by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
12-1 农村乡(镇)基本情况
Basic Conditions of Township and Town of Country
12-2 各地区乡(镇)组织情况 (2015年)
Organizing Conditions of Township and Town by Region (2015)
12-3 农、林、牧、渔业总产值和商品产值
Gross Output Value,and Commodity Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-4 农、林、牧、渔业总产值构成
Gross Output Value Composition of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-5 农、林、牧、渔业总产值指数
Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-6 农、林、牧、渔业总产值
Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-7 各地区粮食作物和多种经营产值 (2015年)
Output Value of Grain Crops and Multi deal by Region (2015)
12-8 农林牧渔业商品产值和商品率
Commodity Output Value and Commdity Rate of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-9 农、林、牧、渔业中间消耗
Intermediate Consumption of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-10 主要农业机械年末拥有量和机耕情况
Major Agricultural Machinery at the Year-end and Condition of Tractor-ploughing
12-11 农业电气化、化学化、水利化情况
Agricultural Electrization, Chamization, Adequate Irrigation
12-12 水利灌溉设施年末建成达到情况
Construction Condition of Water Conservancy for Irrigation at the End of Year
12-13 各地区农业电气化、化学化、水利化情况 (2015年)
Agricultural Electrization,Chamization,Adequate Irrigation by Region (2015)
12-14 堤防、水闸、除涝、水土保持及解决饮水困难情况
Condition of Dike,Sluice,Waterlogging Control,Water and Soil Conversation and Easing the Shortage of Drinking Water
12-15 农作物播种面积和产量 (2015年)
Total Sown Areas and Output of Farm Crops (2015)
12-16 农 作 物 播 种 面 积
Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops
12-17 主 要 农 产 品 产 量
Output of Major Farm Products
12-18 各地区经济作物播种面积 (2015年)
Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops by Region (2015)
12-19 各地区主要经济作物单位播种面积产量 (2015年)
Output of Unit of Major Farm Crops Sown Area by Region (2015)
12-20 各地区主要经济作物总产量 (2015年)
Total Output of Major Farm Crops by Region (2015)
12-21 茶叶、水果生产情况
Production Conditions of Tea,Fruits
12-22 各地区茶叶、水果产量 (2015年)
Output of Tea,Fruits by Region (2015)
12-23 各地区茶园、果园面积 (2015年)
Area of Tea Plantations,Orchard by Region (2015)
12-24 各地区主要林产品产量(2015年)
Output of Major Forest Products by Region (2015)
12-25 主要林产品产量
Output of Major Forest Products
12-26 牧 业 生 产 情 况
Production Condition of Animal Husbandry
12-27 各地区牧业生产情况 (2015年)
Production Condition of Animal Husbandry by Region (2015)
12-28 渔业生产情况
Production Condition of Fishery
12-29 各地区渔业生产情况 (2015年)
Production Condition of Fishery by Region (2015)
12-30 各地区农村经济效益 (2015年)
Rural Economic Efficiency by Region (2015)
12-31 各地区按人口平均的主要农产品产量 (2015年)
Output of Major Rural Products per Person by Region (2015)
12-32 生猪调出奖励大县农村经济情况 (2015年)
Conditions of Rural Economy of County Which are Rewarded for Lare Hog-contributed (2015)
12-33 农村扶贫对象分布情况
Distribution of Aid-the-poor Object
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
13-1 规模以上工业企业单位数及工业总产值 (2015年)
Number and Gross Industrial Output Value of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
13-2 规模以上工业企业增加值
Value-added of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-3 各地区规模以上工业企业单位数 (2015年)
Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
13-4 各地区规模以上工业企业总产值 (2015年)
Gross Output Value of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
13-5 工 业 产 品 产 量 (2015年)
Output of Industrial Products (2015)
13-6 主 要 工 业 产 品 产 量
Output of Major Industrial Products
13-7 规模以上工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicator of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-8 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(2015)
13-9 规模以上国有控股工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-10 国有控股工业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprises (2015)
13-11 规模以上集体企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Collective-owned Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-12 规模以上外商及港、澳、台投资工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Funds From Foreign, Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan above Designated Size
13-13 规模以上股份制工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Share-holding Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-14 规模以上私营工业企业经济指标
Economic Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
13-15 工业园区主要经济指标(2015年)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Park (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
14-1 建筑业主要经济指标
Main Economic Indicators on Construction
14-2 按登记注册类型分的建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registrtion Status (2015)
14-3 各地区建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2015年)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction by Region (2015)
14-4 劳务分包建筑业企业主要指标
Main Indicators of Labour Subcontractors in Construction Industry
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
15-1 运 输 线 路 长 度
Length of Transportation Routes
15-2 交通运输工具年末实有数
Actual Number of Transportation Facilities at Year-end
15-3 公路里程年底到达数 (2015年)
Length of Highways at Year-end (2015)
15-4 全 社 会 运 输 量
Total Freight Traffic and Passenger Traffic
15-5 全社会运输周转量
Total Freight Ton-kilometers and Passenger-kilometers
15-6 铁路、港口主要指标
Main Indicators of Railways and Ports
15-7 邮政电信业务主要指标
Principal Indicators of Postal and Telecommunications Services
15-8 各设区市交通运输工具年末实有数 (2015年)
Actual Number of Transportation Facilities at Year-end (2015)
15-9 邮政电信业务主要指标 (2015年)
Principal Indicators of Postal and Telecommunications Services (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
16-1 社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
16-2 限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业商品购进、销售、库存总额(2015年)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprise above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trades (2015)
16-3 限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade (2015)
16-4 限额以上餐饮法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Services (2015)
16-5 限额以上住宿法人企业主要财务指标 (2015年)
Main Financial Indicators of Star-ranking Hotels (2015)
16-6 限额以上住宿业经营情况 (2015年)
Business of Star-ranking Hotels (2015)
16-7 限额以上餐饮法人企业经营情况 (2015年)
Business of Catering Services above Designated Size (2015)
16-8 各地区限额以上批发零售贸易法人企业主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of Domestic Trade by Region (2015)
16-9 各地区限额以上住宿餐饮法人企业主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators of Hotels and Catering Sevices (2015)
16-10 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位成交额情况 (2015年)
Turnover of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2015)
16-11 各地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region (2015)
16-12 旅 游 业 发 展 情 况
Development of Tourism
16-13 国际旅游收入情况
Income from International Turism
16-14 入 境 旅 游 情 况
Condition of Oversea Visitor Arrivals
16-15 各地区旅游情况 (2015年)
Condition of Tourism by Region (2015)
16-16 各地区“春节、五一、十一”旅游情况 (2015年)
Condition of Tourism by Region in Spring Festival, May Day or National Day Holidays (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
17-1 金融机构本外币信贷资金平衡表年末余额(2015年)
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of RMB and Foreign Currency of Financial Institutions at Year-end (2015)
17-2 金融机构人民币信贷资金平衡表年末余额(2015年)
Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions at Year-end (2015)
17-3 各地区金融机构(含外资)本外币信贷主要指标 (2015年)
Main Indicators on RMB and Foreign Currency Trust of Financial Institutions (Foreign Capital Included) by Region(2015)
17-4 财产保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Property Insurance Companies
17-5 人寿保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Life Insurance Companies
17-6 各地区保险业务情况 (2015年)
Insurance Business Conditions by Region (2015)
17-7 江西省上市公司数量
Jangxi Summary for Number of Listed Companies
17-8 股票发行量和筹资额
Issued Share and Raised Capital
17-9 江西省证券市场基本情况
Jiangxi General Statistics on Securities Markets
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
18-1 房地产开发与经营主要指标
Main Indicators of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
18-2 房地产开发房屋施工、竣工、销售与出租情况 (2015年)
Residential Buildings under Construction,Completed,Sale and for Rent of Real Estate Development (2015)
18-3 按登记注册类型分的房地产开发投资 (2015年)
Investment in Real Estate Development by Registration Status (2015)
18-4 各地区房地产开发和经营指标 (2015年)
Development and Operating Indicators for Real Estate by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
19-1 R&D 经费内部支出
R&D Internal Expenditure
19-2 研究与试验发展(R&D)情况(2015年)
Basic Statistics on Research and Experimental Development (2015)
19-3 研究与试验发展(R&D)项目(课题)情况(2015年)
R&D Projects (2015)
19-4 研究机构情况(2015年)
Scientific Research Institutions (2015)
19-5 规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展情况
R&D Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
19-6 各地区规模以上工业企业研发情况 (2015年)
Main Statistics on R&D of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
19-7 地方企事业单位专业技术人员(一)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises (I)
19-8 地方企事业单位专业技术人员(二)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises (II)
19-9 地方企事业单位分行业专业技术人员 (2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions and Enterprises by Sector (2015)
19-10 地方企业单位单位技术人员(一)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Enterprises(I) (2015)
19-11 地方企业单位单位技术人员(二)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Enterprises(II) (2015)
19-12 地方事业单位单位技术人员(一)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions (I)(2015)
19-13 地方事业单位单位技术人员(二)(2015年)
Professional Technical Personnel in Local Institutions (II)(2015)
19-14 政府部门属科技机构情况 (2015年)
Government Administratied Science Institutions (2015)
19-15 县以上政府部门属自然科学研究与开发机构情况 (2015年)
County and above Departments Administratied Natural Science Research and Development Institutions (2015)
19-16 高等学校科技人力资源情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Higher Education for Human Resource (2015)
19-17 高等学校科技项目情况 (2015年)
Statistics on Scientific Projects in Schools of Higher Education (2015)
19-18 科协系统科技活动情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on S&T Activities of S&T Associations (2015)
19-19 技术市场基本情况
Basic Statistics on Technology Market
19-20 专利申请受理量和授权量
Patents Application Accepted and Granted
19-21 获国家级、省级科技奖项数
National-level and Provincial-level S&T Awards
19-22 各类全日制学校基本情况 (2015年)
Total Enrollment of Full-time Schools by Type of School (2015)
19-23 各类全日制学校在校学生数
Total Enrollment of Full-time Schools by Type of School
19-24 各类全日制学校毕业生数
Graduates in Full-time Schools by Type of School
19-25 普通高等学校分学科学生情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2015)
19-26 普通中专学校分科学生数 (2015年)
Number of Students in Regular Specialized Secondary School by Field of Study (2015)
19-27 各地区普通中专教育基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Specialized Secondary School by Region (2015)
19-28 各地区普通中学基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Secondary Schools (2015)
19-29 中等职业学校基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Secondary Vocational Education by Type of School (2015)
19-30 各地区职业高中基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Vocational Secondary Schools by Region (2015)
19-31 职业高中分科学生情况 (2015年)
Students of Senior Secondary Vocational School by Field of Study (2015)
19-32 小学、特殊教育基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Primary Schools, Special Education (2015)
19-33 平均每万人口在校学生数
Number of Students Per 10000 Population by Level
19-34 初中毕业生、小学毕业生升学率
Proportion of Students Entering into Junior and Senior Secondary Schools
19-35 小学学龄儿童数和入学率
Number of School-age Children and Rate of Entering the Primary Schools
19-36 幼 儿 园 基 本 情 况
Basic Statstics on Kindergartens
19-37 按城乡、按地区分幼儿园基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statstics on Kindergartens by Residence and Region (2015)
19-38 成人教育基本情况
Basic Statistics on Adult Educations
19-39 文化事业机构与人员数
Number of Institutions and Staff Personnel for Cultural Undertakings
19-40 各地区文化事业单位数 (2015年)
Number of Institutions for Cultural Undertakings by Region (2015)
19-41 文化产业机构基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Cultural Industry Institutions (2015)
19-42 文化产业从业人员基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Employed Persons of Cultural Industry (2015)
19-43 文化产业机构人员情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Personnel of Cultural Industry Institutions (2015)
19-44 报纸、杂志、图书出版种数
Publication of Newspapers, Magazines and Books
19-45 报纸、杂志、图书出版数量
Pieces of Newspapers, Magazines and Books Published
19-46 广播、电视事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Stations
19-47 各地区广播电视主要统计指标 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television by Region (2015)
19-48 各部门、各地区广播电视主要经济指标 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Radio and Television by Region and Department (2015)
19-49 测绘生产完成情况
Statistics on Projects Completed by Surveying and Mapping Departments
19-50 测绘资料提供情况
Statistics on Output of Surveying and Mapping Materials
19-51 各地区产品质量监督检查情况 (2015年)
Results of Supervision and Sampling Check on the Quality of Products by Region (2015)
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
Brief Introduction
20-1 卫生机构、床位及人员数
Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Personnels
20-2 各类卫生机构、床位、人员数 (2015年)
Number of Health Institutions, Beds and Personnels by Type (2015)
20-3 卫生机构人员数
Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions
20-4 各地区卫生事业基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Health Institutions by Region (2015)
20-5 各地区卫生技术人员数 (2015年)
Technical Personnel in Health Institutions by Region (2015)
20-6 各类医院机构、床位及人员数 (2015年)
Beds and Personnel in Health Institutions by Specializations (2015)
20-7 各类医疗机构病床使用情况 (2015年)
Bed Utilization of Medical Institutions (2015)
20-8 各类医疗机构门诊诊疗情况 (2015年)
Out-patient Clinics in Hospitals in Medical Institutions(2015)
20-9 各类医疗机构住院治疗情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Inpatients Treatments in Medical Institutions(2015)
20-10 各地区医院门诊诊疗情况 (2015年)
Out-patient Clinics in Hospitals by Region (2015)
20-11 各地区医院病床使用情况 (2015年)
Utilization of Hospital Beds by Region (2015)
20-12 各地区育龄妇女节育、晚婚情况 (2015年)
Birth-Control and Later-Marriage of Childbearing-age Women by Region (2015)
20-13 各地区计划生育情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Family Planning by Region (2015)
20-14 体育事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Sports
20-15 少年儿童业余体育学校基本情况
Basic Statistics on Amateur Sports School for Children and Adolescents
20-16 历届全省人民代表大会的代表人数
Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincial People’s Congresses
20-17 历届全省政治协商会议的委员人数
Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincical People’s Political Consultative Conferences
20-18 工 会 组 织 情 况
Basic Statistics on Trade Unions
20-19 共 青 团 组 织 情 况
Basic Statistics on the Communist Youth League
20-20 妇联系统组织情况
Basic Statistics of Women’s Federations
20-21 各地区城镇社区服务情况 (2015年)
Basic Conditions of Urban Community Service by Region (2015)
20-22 社会福利事业基本情况(2015年)
Basic Statistics on Social Welfare(2015)
20-23 各地区社会捐赠情况 (2015年)
Basic Statistics on Social Donations by Region (2015)
20-24 各地区福利彩票发行情况 (2015年)
Statistics on Welfare Lottery by Region (2015)
20-25 社 会 保 障 情 况
Situations of Social Security
20-26 劳动争议处理基本情况 (2015年)
Basic Situations of Disposal of Labor Disputes (2015)
20-27 律师、公证及调解工作基本情况
Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation
20-28 婚 姻 登 记 情 况 (2015年)
Numbers of Marriages and Divorces (2015)
20-29 各地区婚姻登记情况 (2015年)
Number of Marriages and Divorces by Region (2015)
20-30 各类事故伤亡情况
Basic Statistics on Accidents
20-31 各地区工矿商贸企业事故、火灾、道路交通事故情况 (2015年)
Industry, Mining, Commerce and Trade Enterprises Accidents, Fire Accidents and Traffic Accidents by Region (2015)
20-32 各地区安全生产四项相对控制指标情况 (2015年)
Four Safe Production Relatively Control Targets by Region (2015)
20-33 社会发展与妇女儿童基本情况
Basic Statistics on Social Development, Women and Children
Explanatory Notes for Major Indicators
21-1 各省(市、区)年末总人口
Total Population at Year-end of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-2 各省(市、区)年末城镇人口比重
Urban Population Percentage of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-3 各省(市、区)生产总值
GDP of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-4 各省(市、区)生产总值指数
GDP Index of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-5 各省(市、区)人均生产总值
Per-capita GDP of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-6 各省(市、区)人均生产总值指数
Per-capita GDP Index of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-7 各省(市、区)公共财政预算收入
Public Financial Revenue of the Local Government of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-8 各省(市、区)全社会固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-9 各省(市、区)固定资产投资
Investment in Fixed Assets of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-10 各省(市、区)居民消费价格指数
Consumer Price Index of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-11 各省(市、区)全体居民人均收入与支出
Per capita income and Expenditure of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-12 各省(市、区)城镇居民人均收入与支出
Per Capita Net Income of Urban Residents of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-13 各省(市、区)农村居民人均收入与支出
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-14 各省(市、区)社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-15 各省(市、区)进出口总值
Total Imports & Exports of Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-16 各省(市、区)进出口总值
Total Imports and Exports of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
21-17 各省(市、区)入境旅游情况
Development of Overseas Visitor Arrivals of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities
Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2015


Yearbook title: 江西统计年鉴
ISBN: 978-7-5037-7264-1
Chief editor: Ze Qingdao
Editorial institution: Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics;Survey Office of the National Burean of Statistics in Jiangxi
Publisher: China Statistics Press
Collected volumes:2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983

I. Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2014 is an annual statistics publication, which covers very comprehensive data in 2013 and some selected data series in historically important years and the most recent thirty years at level of province and other provinces and municipalities. Therefore, reflects various aspects of Jiangxi’s social and economic development.
II. The yearbook contains the following twenty-two chapters, General Survey; Population; Employment and Wages; Investment in Fixed Assets; Energy; Price Indices; People′s Livelihood; General Survey of Cities; Environment Protection; Water Resources and Meterology; Agriculture; Industry; Construction; Transport, Post and Telecommunication Services; Domestic Trade; Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; Tourism; Financial Intermediation; Insurance;Real Estate;Education, Science and Technology; Culture, Sports and Public Health; Social Welfare and Other Social Activities; Main Statistical Indictors on provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2013. For readers’ convenience, in Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter, main coverage of this chapter, data sources, statistical coverage, statistical methods and historical changes are concerned. In addition, Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter.
III. This Yearbook re-audited statistic data published previously, any data different from this yearbook, take this yearbook’s as standard data.
IV. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units.
V. Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook.
VI. Notations used in the yearbook: blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.