Category Archives: Chongqing City

Chongqing City

Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2018

Yearbook title: 重庆统计年鉴2018
Yearbook English title: Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2018
Editorial institution: Chongqing Statistics Bureau
Publisher: China Statistics Press
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version( CD)

Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2018
Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2018

Ⅰ. Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2018 is a large statistical yearbook compiled by Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and NBS Survey Office in Chongqing and published by China Statistics Press, which records the economic construction and social development of Chongqing in an all-round way. The yearbook covers the comprehensive data on Chongqing’s social and economic development in 2017 and some major years in the history, as well as the major statistics on all the districts and counties (autonomous counties).

Ⅱ. The yearbook contains 22 chapters, namely 1. Comprehensive Statistics;2. National Economic Accounting;3. Population and Employment;4. Investment in Fixed Assets;5. Energy Consumption;6. Government Finance;7. People’s Livelihood and Prices;8. Urban Construction;9. Resources and Environment;10. Markets of Key Factors;11. Agriculture and Rural Economy;12. Industry;13. Construction;14. Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services;15. Domestic Trade;16. Foreign Economic Relations, Trade and Tourism;17. Financial Intermediation;18. Education, Science & Technology and Culture;19. Public Health, Sports and Other Social Activities;20. Districts;21. Resettlement of Chongqing Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project;22. Statistics on Basic Units. There is also an Appendix which covers the main data of the whole nation and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. There is a Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter, which introduces the main contents of the chapter and the sources of data. The Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators is provided at the end of each chapter.

Ⅲ. The data in this publication: most of the data are obtained from the annual statistical reports, while some others are obtained from sample surveys.

Ⅳ. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are international standard measurement units; and the basis of classification of this book complies with the national uniform standard.

Ⅴ. The statistical discrepancies of the total values or relative values due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook.

Ⅵ. The notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the lower part of the table or the lower part of the last page.

Ⅶ. Notations used in this yearbook: (blank space)indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown, or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.

Ⅷ. We’d like to send our sincere acknowledgement various units and comrades for their vigorous assistances during the edition and translation of this yearbook. Due to our limited ability and the hasty time, faults and shortage are unavoidable. Any criticism or suggestion is appreciated.

Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2017

Yearbook title: 重庆统计年鉴
Yearbook English title: Chongqing Statistical Yearbook
Editorial institution: Chongqing Statistics Bureau
Publisher: China Statistics Press
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF & CD)

Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2017
Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2017

Ⅰ. Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2017 is a large statistical yearbook compiled by Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and NBS Survey Office in Chongqing and published by China Statistics Press, which records the economic construction and social development of Chongqing in an all-round way. The yearbook covers the comprehensive data on Chongqing’s social and economic development in 2016 and some major years in the history, as well as the major statistics on all the districts and counties (autonomous counties).

Ⅱ. The yearbook contains 22 chapters, namely 1. Comprehensive Statistics;2. National Economic Accounting;3. Population and Employment;4. Investment in Fixed Assets;5. Energy Consumption;6. Government Finance;7. People’s Livelihood and Prices;8. Urban Construction;9. Resources and Environment;10. Markets of Key Factors;11. Agriculture and Rural Economy;12. Industry;13. Construction;14. Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services;15. Domestic Trade;16. Foreign Economic Relations, Trade and Tourism;17. Financial Intermediation;18. Education, Science & Technology and Culture;19. Public Health, Sports and Other Social Activities;20. Districts;21. Resettlement of Chongqing Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project;22. Statistics on Basic Units. There is also an Appendix which covers the main data of the whole nation and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. There is a Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter, which introduces the main contents of the chapter and the sources of data. The Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators is provided at the end of each chapter.

Ⅲ. The data in this publication: most of the data are obtained from the annual statistical reports, while some others are obtained from sample surveys.

Ⅳ. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are international standard measurement units; and the basis of classification of this book complies with the national uniform standard.

Ⅴ. The statistical discrepancies of the total values or relative values due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook.

Ⅵ. The notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the lower part of the table or the lower part of the last page.

Ⅶ. Notations used in this yearbook: (blank space)indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown, or are not available; “#”indicates a major breakdown of the total.

Ⅷ. We’d like to send our sincere acknowledgement various units and comrades for their vigorous assistances during the edition and translation of this yearbook. Due to our limited ability and the hasty time, faults and shortage are unavoidable. Any criticism or suggestion is appreciated.

Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2016

Ⅰ. Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2016 is a large statistical yearbook compiled by Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and NBS Survey Office in Chongqing and published by China Statistics Press, which records the economic construction and social development of Chongqing in an all-round way. The yearbook covers the comprehensive data on Chongqing’s social and economic development in 2015 and some major years in the history, as well as the major statistics on all the districts and counties (autonomous counties).

Ⅱ. The yearbook contains 22 chapters, namely 1. Comprehensive Statistics;2. National Economic Accounting;3. Population and Employment;4. Investment in Fixed Assets;5. Energy Consumption;6. Government Finance;7. People’s Livelihood and Prices;8. Urban Construction;9. Resources and Environment;10. Markets of Key Factors;11. Agriculture and Rural Economy;12. Industry;13. Construction;14. Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services;15. Domestic Trade;16. Foreign Economic Relations, Trade and Tourism;17. Financial Intermediation;18. Education, Science & Technology and Culture;19. Public Health, Sports and Other Social Activities;20. Districts;21. Resettlement of Chongqing Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project;22. Statistics on Basic Units. There is also an Appendix which covers the main data of the whole nation and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. There is a Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter, which introduces the main contents of the chapter and the sources of data. The Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators is provided at the end of each chapter.

Ⅲ. The data in this publication: most of the data are obtained from the annual statistical reports, while some others are obtained from sample surveys.

Ⅳ. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are international standard measurement units; and the basis of classification of this book complies with the national uniform standard.

Ⅴ. The statistical discrepancies of the total values or relative values due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook.

Ⅵ. The notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the lower part of the table or the lower part of the last page.

Ⅶ. Notations used in this yearbook: (blank space)indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown, or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.

Ⅷ. We’d like to send our sincere acknowledgement various units and comrades for their vigorous assistances during the edition and translation of this yearbook. Due to our limited ability and the hasty time, faults and shortage are unavoidable. Any criticism or suggestion is appreciated.

The contents of Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 2016
Brief Introduction
Divisions of Administrative Areas (2015)
Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rate
Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
Per Capita Main Social and Economic Activities
Selected Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities
Grassroots Units in Various Sectors (2013-2014)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Gross Domestic Product (1949-1978)
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (1949-1978)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product (1949-1978)(Preceding Year =100)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product (1949-1978)(1949=100)
Gross Domestic Product (1978-2015)
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (1978-2015)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product (1978-2015) (Preceding Year=100)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product (1978-2015)(1978=100)
Share of the Contributions of the Growth of Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP (1990-2015)
Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth (1990-2015)
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach (2013-2015)
Gross Domestic Product by Region (2014-2015)
Gross Domestic Product by Status of Registration (1996-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Total Households and Total Population in Major Years (Household Registration)
Population Natural Dynamics in Major Years (Household Registration)
Resident Population and Urbanization Rate (1996-2015)
1% Sample Survey of Population (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on the 5th National Population Censuses
Basic Statistics on the 6th National Population Censuses
Main Indicators of Six Population Censuses
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population (1982-2015)
Basic Statistics on Family Planning (1986-2015)
Basic Statistics on Employment (1985-2015)
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end (1999-2015)
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end (2014-2015)
Number of On-Post Staff and Workers of Urban Non-private Units in Major Years
Total Wage Bill of On-Post Staff and Workers of Urban Non-private Economic Units in Major Years
Average Wage of On-Post Staff and Workers of Urban Non-private Units in Major Years
Number of On-Post Staff and Workers in Non-private Economic Units (2014-2015)
Total Wage Bill of On-Post Staff and Workers of Urban Non-private Economic Units (2014-2015)
Average Wage of Employed Persons of Urban Non-private Economic Units (2014-2015)
Total Wage Bill of Employment of Urban Non-private Units (2014-2015)
Number of Registered Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas (1985-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country in Major Years
Total Investment in Fixed Assets (2014-2015)
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Sector (2014-2015)
Sources of Funds for Investment in Fixed Assets (2014-2015)
Investment in Construction Projects and Total Construction Investment Size by Sector (2015)
Number of Construction Projects under Construction and Put into Use by Sector (2015)
Total Floor Space of Buildings under Construction (2014-2015)
Total Floor Space of Buildings Completed (2014-2015)
Cost of Completed Buildings (2014-2015)
Investment in Construction Projects (2014-2015)
Investment in Construction Projects by Sector (2015)
Newly Increased Production Capacity of the Major Products in Construction Projects (2014-2015)
Investment in Infrastructure Construction (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Real Estate Development (1990-2015)
Main Indicators of Real Estate Development (2014-2015)
Floor Space of Commercialized Buildings under Construction, Completed and Sold (2014-2015)
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2014-2015)
Operating Statistics on Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Total Consumption of Energy in Major Years
Energy Consumption of Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector (2014-2015)
Comprehensive Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size per Unit Output Value (2014-2015)
Water Consumption of Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector (2015)
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption (1985-2015)
Average Energy Consumption per 10 000 Yuan of GDP (2014-2015)
Average Daily Energy Consumption (2014-2015)
Overall Energy Balance Sheet (2014-2015)
Electricity Balance Sheet (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Government Revenue and Expenditure (1994-2015)
Percentage of Government Revenue to Gross Domestic Product (1994-2013)
Government Revenue (2014-2015)
Government Expenditure (2014-2015)
Revenue from National and Local Taxation (1996-2015)
Revenue from National Taxation (2014-2015)
Revenue from National Taxation by Status of Registration (2015)
Revenue from Local Taxation (2014-2015)
Revenue from Local Taxation by Status of Registration (2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Material and Cultural Life of Urban & Rural Residents (2014-2015)
Year-end Savings Deposit of RMB of Households (1980-2015)
Per Capita Annual Income and Engle’s Coefficient of Urban and Rural Households (1978-2012)
Per Capita Residents Income and Expenditure and Engle Coefficient (2013-2015)
Basic Conditions of Resident Households (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Cash Disposable Income of Households (2014-2015)
Composition of Per Capita Cash Income and Cash Expenditure of Households (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Income and Expenditure of Households by Income Quintile (2015)
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Households (2014-2015)
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100Households at Year-end (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Cash Disposable Income of Urban Households (2014-2015)
Composition of Per Capita Cash Income and Cash Expenditure of Urban Households (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Income and Expenditure of Urban Households by Income Quintile (2015)
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Urban Households (2014-2015)
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100Urban Households at Year-end (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Cash Disposable Income of Rural Households (2014-2015)
Composition of Per Capita Cash Income and Cash Expenditure of Rural Households (2014-2015)
Per Capita Annual Income and Expenditure of Rural Households by Income Quintile (2015)
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods by Rural Households (2014-2015)
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100Rural Households at Year-end (2014-2015)
Consumer Price Indices and General Retail Price Indices in Major Years
Consumer Price Indices by Category (2014-2015)
Retail Price Indices By Category (2014-2015)
Producer Price Indices for Agricultural Products (2004-2015)
Purchasing Price Indices of Raw Materials, Fuels and Power (2014-2015)
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Category (2014-2015)
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector (2014-2015)
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets (1994-2015)
Sales Price Indices of Houses (1998-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Land for Urban Construction (2015)
Statistics on Urban Infrastructure (2014-2015)
Municipal Infrastructure (2014-2015)
Parks and Green Land in Urban Area (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Tap Water and Gas Supply in Urban Area (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Public Transportation in Urban Area (2014-2015)
Investment in Public Utilities and Municipal Construction (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Natural Resources (2014-2015)
Natural Environment (2015)
Basic Statistics on Climate (1951-2015)
Statistics on the Climate of the Current Year (2015)
Environmental Protection (2014-2015)
Discharge, Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas, Waste Water and Solid Wastes (1995-2015)
Waste Gas Discharge and Treatment by the Industrial Enterprises under Major Survey (2015)
Generation, Treatment and Utilization of Solid Wastes of the Industrial Enterprises under Major Survey (2015)
Waste Water Discharge and Treatment by the Industrial Enterprises under Major Survey (2015)
Industrial Pollution Treatment Projects and Investment (2014-2015)
Discharge of Domestic Pollutants (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Transactions and Allotment of the Right to Use the State-owned Land (2014-2015)
Real Estate Markets in Urban Area (2014-2015)
Transactions of Commodity Markets with Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2014-2015)
Transactions of Technology Exchanges (2015)
Human Resource Markets and Exchanges (2014-2015)
Statistics on the Public Job Services and Intermediation Agencies (2014-2015)
General Statistics on Securities Markets (2014-2015)
Brief Introduction
Basic Statistics on Rural Areas in Major Years
Conditions of Agricultural Production in Major Years
Sown Area of Farm Corps (1978-2015)
Output of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Major Years
Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Major Years
Gross Output Value Indices of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Major Years (Preceding Year=100)
Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Rural Areas (2014-2015)
Conditions of Agricultural Production (2014-2015)
Sown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops (2014-2015)
Output of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2014-2015)
Output of the Major Products of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (2014-2015)
Output of Major Agricultural Products in Comparison with the Peak Year since the Foundation of PRC (2015)
Output Value of Agricultural Commodities and Rate of Commercialization (2014-2015)
Main Indicators of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises (2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Major Indicators of Industrial Enterprises (1978-2015)
Output of Major Industrial Products (1978-2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises (1992-2015)
Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2014-2015)
Output of Major Industrial Products of Industria Enterprises above Designated Sized as Percentage of Nation Total (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of State-holding Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Private Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Domestic Funds (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises with Domestic Funds (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds (2015)
Main Economic Indicators of Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Indicators on Economic Benefit of Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Output of Major Products of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Basic Statistics on Construction Industry (1985-2015)
Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed by Construction Enterprises (2014-2015)
Main Indicators on Labor Subcontractors in Construction Industry (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on State-owned Construction Enterprises (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Other Construction Enterprises of Limited Liability (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Private Construction Enterprises (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on General Contractors of Construction (2013-2014)
Main Economic Indicators on Specialized Contractors of Construction (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Buildings and Civil Engineering (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Installation (2014-2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Decoration (2014-2015)
Main Indicators on Finance and Economic Benefit of Construction Enterprises by Grade (2015)
Main Indicators on Finance and Economic Benefit of Construction Enterprises by Sector (2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Passenger and Freight Traffic and Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers in Major Years
Volume of Freight Handled in Coastal Ports and Length of Highways in Major Years
Indicators of Postal and Telecommunication Services in Major Years
Main Indicators of Postal and Telecommunication Services (1985-2015)
Transport Infrastructure and Transport Means (2014-2015)
Possession of Civil Motor Vehicles and Transport Vessels (2014-2015)
Passenger and Freight Traffic, Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers and Volume of Freights Handled in Coastal Ports (2014-2015)
Number of Berths in Coastal Ports (2014-2015)
Warehouses in Main Coastal Ports (2014-2015)
Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunication Services (2014-2015)
Business Volume of Express Services (1997-2015)
Main Communication Capacity of Telecommunications (2014-2015)
Postal and Telecommunication Services Available (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (1949-2015)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (2014-2015)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services (2014-2015)
Total Sales of Enterprises in Wholesale and Retail Trades (2015)
Sales of Main Commodities of the Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category (2014-2015)
Financial Indicators of Wholesale Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Financial Indicators of Retail Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels (2015)
Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services (2015)
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector and Business Categories (2015)
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Sector (2015)
Operation of Chain Enterprises in Wholesale and Retail Trades (2014-2015)
Operation of Chain Enterprises in Hotels and Catering Services (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi (Period Average)(1985-2015)
Total Value of Imports and Exports (1987-2015)
Basic Statistics on Utilization of Foreign Capital (1985-2015)
Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries and Territories (1985-2015)
Number of International Tourists and Foreign Exchange Earnings (1983-2015)
Total Value of Imports and Exports by Commodity Category (2014-2015)
Total Value of Imports and Exports by Customs Regime (2014-2015)
Imports and Exports by Countries or Regions (2014-2015)
Main Export Commodities in Volume and Value (2014-2015)
Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value (2014-2015)
Utilization of Foreign Capital (2014-2015)
Overseas Investment and Cooperation (2014-2015)
Actual Utilization of Domestic Capital (1996-2015)
Number, Contracted Value and Actual Investment of Projects (Enterprises)Funded by Foreign Direct Investment (2014-2015)
Actual Utilization of Domestic Capital by Source (2014-2015)
Actual Utilization of Domestic Capital by Sector (2014-2015)
Utilization of Contracted (Agreed, Planned)Domestic Capital above 10 Million Yuan by Source (2014-2015)
Actual Utilization of Domestic Capital above 10 Million Yuan by Source (2014-2015)
Utilization of Contracted (Agreed, Planned)Domestic Capital above 10 Million Yuan by Sector and by Registration (2014-2015)
Utilization of Domestic Capital above 10 Million Yuan by Sector and by Registration (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Tourism (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Star-rated Hotels (2014-2015)
Communications with Foreign Twin Cities (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Number of Main Financial Institutions (2014-2015)
Operation of Local Financial Market (2014-2015)
Year-end Deposit and Loan Balance of Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions) (1980-2015)
Sources and Uses of RMB and Foreign Currencies Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions)(2015)
Sources and Uses of RMB Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions) (2015)
Loan Composition of RMB and Foreign Currencies of Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions)(By Sector)(2015)
Loans to Real Estate from Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions) (2014-2015)
Statistics on the RMB Loans to the Domestic Large, Medium and Small Enterprises from Financial Institutions (Including Foreign-funded Institutions) (2014-2015)
Statistics on Listed Companies (1993-2015)
Issuance of Securities (1981-2015)
Basic Statistics on Insurance Business (1996-2015)
Statistics on Insurance Business by Classification (2014-2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Number of Schools by Level and Type in Major Years
Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type in Major Years
Number of Full-time Teachers by Level and Type in Major Years
Basic Statistics on Postgraduates (1996-2015)
Number of Cultural Institutions in Major Years
Basic Statistics on Education (2014-2015)
Net Enrollment Ratio and Promotion Rate of Schools by Level (2014-2015)
Student Enrollment in Regular Higher Education Institutions by Field of Study (2015)
Students in Vocational Secondary Schools by Field of Study (2015)
Number of Female Students and Female Full-time Teachers by School Level (2014-2015)
Funds and Rewards for Scientific and Technological Research (2014-2015)
Activities of Science and Technology Associations (2015)
Basic Statistics on R&D Activities (2015)
Scientific and Technological Institutions of Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Scientific and Technological Institutions of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Statistics on R&D Personnel in Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Statistics on R&D Personnel in Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Expenditure and Projects of Scientific & Technological Activities of Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
Expenditure and Projects of Scientific & Technological Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
New Products Development of Large & Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises (2015)
New Products Development of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2015)
Patent Applications Accepted and Granted (2014-2015)
Statistics on Publication, Circulation and Sales of Books (2014-2015)
Major Indicators on the Patents of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2014-2015)
Signing and Implementation of Technical Contracts by Type (2015)
Number of Institutions and Persons Engaged in Press and Publication (2014-2015)
Situation of Earthquake Monitoring (1997-2015)
Publication of Books, Magazines and Newspapers (2014-2015)
Status of Operational Meteorological Stations and Their Observation Items (1997-2015)
General Statistics on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Freight by Region (2000-2015)
Number and Personnel in Culture and Cultural Relics Institutions (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Public Libraries (2014-2015)
Statistics on Cultural Relics (2015)
Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers (2015)
Basic Statistics on Art Performance Troupes (2015)
Statistics on Radio and TV Stations (2014-2015)
Results of Sampling Check under Supervision on the Quality of Products (2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Statistics on Public Health Care in Major Years
Statistics on Public Health Care (2014-2015)
Statistics on Visits and Inpatients in Hospitals, Health Stations and Community Health Centers (2015)
Number of Health Care Institutions, Beds and Personnel (2015)
Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions (2014-2015)
Statistics on Marriages and Divorces (2014-2015)
Statistics on Civil Affairs (2014-2015)
Statistics on Special Cares for Servicemen (2014-2015)
Number of Social Welfare Institutions & Enterprises and Employed Persons (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on the Social Service Institutions Providing Accommodation (2015)
Participation in Social Activities (2014-2015)
Statistics on Basic Pension Insurance (2014-2015)
Statistics on Unemployment Insurance (2014-2015)
Statistics on Basic Medical Care Insurance (2014-2015)
Statistics on Mass Sports (2014-2015)
Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation (2014-2015)
Domestic and Foreign-Related Notarial Documents (2014-2015)
Criminal Cases Registered in Public Security Organs (2014-2015)
Cases under Direct Investigation by People’s Procuratorate (2015)
Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants under Public Prosecution Approved by People’s Procuratorate (2015)
First Trial Criminal Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2014-2015)
First Trial Civil and Administrative Cases Accepted and Settled by Courts (2014-2015)
Basic Statistics on Work Safety (2002-2015)
Basic Statistics on Death Toll of Work Safety Accidents (2001-2015)
Basic Statistics on Fires (2015)
Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents (2015)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Brief Introduction
Households and Population by Region (2015)
Employment by Region (2015)
Gross Domestic Product by Region (2015)
Agriculture and Rural Economy by Region (2015)
Industry by Region (2015)
Construction by Region (2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of General Contracting by Region (2015)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Specialized Contracting by Region (2015)
Highway Transportation by Region (2015)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region (2015)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region (2015)
Government Revenue and Expenditure by Region (2015)
Deposit and Loan of Financial Institutions, People’s Livelihood and Social Welfare by Region (2015)
Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Households by Region (2015)
Education and Culture by Region (2015)
Public Health Care by Region (2015)
Foreign Economic Relations and Trade by Region (2015)
Energy Consumption of Enterprises above Designated Size by Region (2015)
Number of Corporate Units and Establishments by Region (2015)
Brief Introduction
Economic and Social Development of the Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Project in Chongqing (2014-2015)
Comprehensive Statistics on the Completed Investment in the Follow-on Work of Three Gorges Resettlement (End of 2015)
Brief Introduction
Number of Corporate Units and Establishments by Sector (2014-2015)
Number of Corporate Units by Institutional Type and Status of Registration (2014-2015)
Number of Enterprises as Corporate Units by Sector (2014-2015)
Number of Enterprises as Corporate Units by Status of Registration (2014-2015)
Number of Corporate Units by Sector and Region (2015)
Number of Corporate Units by Status of Registration and Region (2015)
Number of Enterprises as Corporate Units by Sector and Region (2015)
Number of Enterprises as Corporate Units by Status of Registration and Sector (2015)
Brief Introduction
Appendix I: Chongqing’s Main Indicators of National Economy as Percentage of Whole Nation (2015)
Appendix II: Indicators on the Growth Rate of National Economic and Social Development
Appendix III: Main Indicators of National Economy by Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region (2015)