Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022

Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022 Download

Yearbook title:海南统计年鉴2022
Yearbook English title:Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022
Published Date :08/2022
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022
Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022

Ⅰ.Hainan Statistical Yearbook 2022 is an annual statistical publication which covers statistical data for the economic and social development of 19 cities,counties and autonomous counties in year 2021,as well as majorstatistical data in important historical years. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains twenty-five chapters:1.General Survey;2.Population:3.National Accounts;4.Employment and Wages;5.Prices;6.People’s Living Conditions;7.Government Finance;8.Resources and Environment;9.Energy;10.Investment in Fixed Assets;11.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Real Estate;16.Wholesale and Retail Trades,Hotels andCatering Services;17.Tourism;18.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;19.Financial Intermediation;20.Science and Technology;21.Education;22.Public Health and Social Services;23.Culture and Sports;24.Public Management,Social Security and Social Organizations;25.Urban and,Rural.Each chapter begins with Brief Introduce to the main content,data sources,statistical method of this chapter,etc.Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter to briefly describe the content of main statistical indicators,statistical scope and so on. Ⅲ.The statistical approach and scope in this yearbook base on the current national statistical report system basically.Data are mainly obtained from annual statistical reports and sample surveys of government statistical departments,some from annual statistical reports of government or administrative departments. Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units.Newly published and implemented Product Categories are uniformly used. Ⅴ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅵ.Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data unknown or not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅶ.The data of Danzhou in this yearbook include the data of Yangpu Economic Development zone.

Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2022

Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2022 Download

Yearbook title:广西统计年鉴2022
Yearbook English title:Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2022
Published Date :10/2022
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2022
Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 2022

Ⅰ.Guangxi Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistics publication,which covers very comprehensive data in 2021 and some selected data series in historically important years since 1978 of the whole autonomous region,the main statistical data of city,county(district) in 2021 and therefore,reflects various aspects of Guangxi’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.This book contains the following twenty-three parts,1.General Survey;2.Population;3.National Economic Accounting;4.Employment and Wages;5.Price;6.People’s Livelihoods;7.Finance,Banking and Insurance;8.Natural Resources and Environment;9.Energy Production and Consumption;10.Investment in Fixed Assets;11.General Survey of Cities;12.Foreign Trade and Economy Cooperation;13.Agriculture;14.Industry;15.Construction;16.Wholesale and Retail Trades;17.Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism;18.Transportation,Postal and Telecommunication Services;19.Education,Science,Technology and Culture;20.Sport,Public Health and Social Welfare;21.Economic Zones;22.Basic Statistics of Cities;23.Basic Statistics of Counties(Cities,Districts).In order to make readers understand the whole content of this book and use the materials correctly,most of the chapters are equipped with explanatory notes on main statistical indicators at the end.Moreover,appendix(Statistical Communique on National Economic and Social Development of Guangxi in 2021) is attached at the end of the book. Ⅲ.The international standard unit of measurement is applied in this book. Ⅳ.Statistical discrepancies on some totals figures due to rounding varies of the numbers are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅴ.In this yearbook,the statistical materials published before have been verified again,and the data that not tally with this book should take the data of this book as standard. Ⅵ.The major data sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports,sample surveys,and the census of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Bureau of Statistics.And some from other Departments of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Bureau of Statistics has no power or ability to define and explain these indicators and data. Ⅶ.Notations used in this yearbook: “…” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table; “Blank space” indicates that the data are unknown or not available; “#” indicates the major items of the table. Ⅷ.The data of Gross Domestic Product(except part of Expenditure Approach) and Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods from 2003 to 2018 has been recalculated with The Forth National Economic Census,and so as the related indicators of them.All the data of GDP and etc.in 2021’s are from quick statistics data.And data of population from 2011 to 2019 are revised based on the 7th Population Census. Ⅸ.Acknowledgement:our great gratitude goes to relevant departments and staffs,from which we have received tremendous support when compiling the yearbook.Mistakes may appear due to limited time for compiling.Please point out for correction if any.

Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022

Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022 Download

Yearbook title:安徽统计年鉴2022
Yearbook English title:Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022
Published Date :09/2022
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022
Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022

Ⅰ.Anhui Statistical Yearbook 2022 comprehensively and systematically includes the economic and social statistical data of the whole province and all cities and counties in 2021,and focuses on displaying the achievements of statistical departments in serving the construction of modern and beautiful Anhui in the new stage.It is an annual reference magazine that comprehensively reflects the national economic and social development of Anhui province. Ⅱ.The contents of the book are divided into 23 chapters and appendices,namely:General survey;National economic accounting;Population;Employed persons and wages;Investment in fixed assets;Energy production and consumption;Finance and banking;Price index;Urban and rural people’s lives;City profile;Natural resources and environmental protection;Agriculture;Industry;Construction industry;Transport and post and telecommunications;Domestic trade;Foreign economic and trade;Tourism;Education and science and technology;Health and social services;Culture and sports;Public administration and others;Main economic indicators and rankings at provincial and county levels.The appendix mainly includes:the basic situation of non-agricultural employment of migrant workers in Anhui,the situation of enterprise e-commerce,etc.In order to help readers understand and use the relevant data,each chapter is accompanied by a brief description and explanation of the main indicators,and introduces the statistical scope and statistical methods. Ⅲ.In this yearbook,We use the classification of national economic industries(GB/T4754-2017). Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standardized measurement units. Ⅴ.Notations used in this book:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown,or are not available.”#” indicates a major items of the total. Ⅵ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this book.Anhui Statistical Yearbook is compiled bilingually in Chinese and English and a magnetic CD-ROM has been published to form a complete set.

Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook 2022

Yearbook title:陕西统计年鉴2022
Yearbook English title:Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook 2022
Published Date :08/2022
Language : English and Chinese bilingual
Availability : Printed Version;Electronic Version(PDF Version)

Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook 2022
Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook 2022

Ⅰ.Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook-2022 is an annual statistical publication,which reflects various aspects of province’s economic,social science and technology development. The major data sources of the publication are statistical annual report of different sectors.Also some other statistical data of city,county,and relevant departments are filled. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following twenty-one chapters: 1.Divisions of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources; 2.General Survey; 3.National Accounts; 4.Population; 5.Employment and Wages; 6.Investment in Fixed Assets; 7.Energy; 8.Government Finance,Banking and Insurance; 9.Price Indices; 10.People’s Livelihood; 11.Environment and Cities; 12.Agriculture; 13.Industry; 14.Construction; 15.Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services,and Service Industry; 16.Wholesale and Retail Trades,Hotels and Catering Services; 17.Foreign Trade and Tourism; 18.Education,Science,Technology and Culture; 19.Sports,Public Health and Others; 20.Irrigation; 21.Main Indicators of National Economy by Countrywide,Province,Autonomous Region and Municipality. The addenda include chronicle of events of Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics in 2021,chronicle of events of NBS Survey Office in Shaanxi in 2021,list of institutions of Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics and list of institutions of NBS Survey Office in Shaanxi. As a matter of convenience for readers,we make Brief Introduction,abstract of major indicators and statistical charts at the beginning of each chapter and explanatory notes on main statistical indicators at the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.The yearbook is based on data of 2021.Each part includes statistical materials for historically important years,especially from 1978.Since then we have been implementing the reform and opening policy. Ⅳ.The rough data of the nation and other provinces are taken from China Statistical Abstract-2022.The official data should refer to China Statistical Yearbook-2022 later. Ⅴ.Explanatory symbol for notations used in this yearbook: “…” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table; ” “(blank) indicates that the data not available; “#” indicates that the major items of the total.